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Correction on Beaded Scarves Leaflet

LI Roe

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Hi. For those of you who may have the leaflet Beaded Scarves #16039, there is a pattern error in the leaflet. I e mailed Jeanette Crews Designs, they e mailed me back within a couple of days, with the correction and also that the lady had worked up the corrected pattern and it worked up fine. I also did a swatch and it was correct.


The pattern and correction is as follows:


Pattern is Jeans & Woods, page 3.


Begin Work:

Ch 29.


Row 1: 1 sc in 7th ch, *ch2, skip 1 ch, 1 dc, ch 2, skip 1 ch, 1sc*, ending with 1dc, ch 1, turn.


(eliminate the Ch 6 as originally stated in row 1, just start with 1 sc in 7th ch).


Hope this helps.


LI Roe

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