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Too Hot to Crochet!

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Since I don't do thread (too chicken!), I haven't crocheted in over a month since I can't stand the thought of sitting with a 'blanket' over me. :sweat I miss it! I am having withdrawal and just buying yarn for future projects. So far, I have projects up until around 2009! :heehee Anyone else tired of the heat and ready to snuggle up under a nice afghan project?

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Good lord no! I can't leave it alone! Mybe try making something like a halter top? Luv2crochet's for both my girls and soon I am hoping to do Etaria's. Chelle's were nice, quick and the girls can wear them in the heat.

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I keep my air-conditioner on....and I just crochet away! I will not let the heat and humidity stop me from doing what I love most. It may be too hot for me to work in my gardens, but in the house, it's comfortable.

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It gets really hot and humid down here in Florida but when it's too hot for me to work on something like an afghan, I do small projects like pot holders, dishcloths, hats, scarves and even stuffed animals and such. There's a ton you can do with regular yarn that isn't super hot...

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I know just how you feel. Actually, when it gets this hot I'm good again, because my husband finally gives in and turns on the air conditioning! Before that it's melting in puddles of sweat in front of the fan!


I like small projects, too, but when it is really hot and humid just holding the yarn in your hand can make your hand sweat, and hooks turn into weapons that have a high chance of slipping out of a sweaty palm and beaning someone in the head!


Now that I've started thread crochet I am much happier, but I do look forward to crocheting a blanket all in one piece, that my husband will try to snuggle under with me while I crochet and declare that this is one more afghan that can't be given away because it's "too nice".


Ahhhh... winter!

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i've noticed that I end up turning the temp on my ac down to 65 from the normal 70 after a while of working on my round ripple afgan cause it does get very hot with it sitting on me. But I do have to say even with the impending heat advisory 95+ degrees and high humidy coming my way this week my a/c's will be kicking and I will be relaxing and crocheting since heat advisory means preggo lady must stay inside

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I live in Bakersfield, Ca (central cali) and for the past two weeks we have had the worst consistent heat wave in 20 years. The temp has been between 106 to 115 degrees!:eek It has been horrible! But I have been inside mostly going from my air conditioned house to my air conditioned car. I have babies and cannot and do not want to be outside. So I have been busy working away at a round ripple afghan. I love working on afghans. Thankfully, it seems the heat wave has stopped and today has been wonderful at 95 degrees.:) A little relief is better than nothing. Maybe, now I will try and start a granny square afghan.:scrachin



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It got so hot and humid here that for a couple of days I didn't even crochet my thread projects...my hands would just get clammy and it just wasn't fun...and even not crocheting for a couple of days drove me crazy...but I think it wasn't just the crocheting, but I wasn't doing anything...it was just too hot to do anything...


So yes, even with thread, I had to put it down for a bit...now I'm back and have knocked out one and half doilies in two days...

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When I find it's too hot for bigger projects, I either make tops for my little girls or I work on squares that I can put together as it cools down...plus, I'm never without my AC!!!


I just can't sit still without something in my hands....couldn't imagine going without crochet for two days, let alone a month!! Maybe I should go To Crochetters Annonomus...Hello, my name is Jessie and I'm a crochet-a-holic....:D



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When my fingers are swollen from the heat, I can't even -look- at yarn, much less work with it... smaller projects may work for some people, but they don't work for me... I have to move on to my other interests until the weather cools down again. :)


I've been catching up on my reading this summer! :D

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I have been making granny squares for Project Rest Assured. I figure that with the heat, I don't want a big project and grannies are easy to do and to take along. This week I am making kitty toys for Tapanga's kitty shelter project. Why not use this heat as an excuse to make for others? It beats having idle hands :)

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I live in Modesto, CA. Last week it got up to 117!!! Aside from the fact that I am addicted to crochet and need my "fix" daily, I have so many family members counting on something "handmade" for Christmas, that I can't stop crochetting or knitting. I just finished my mom's afghan and am moving on to a baby afghan for a niece/nephew due just after Christmas. I have about 6 more afghans w/matching pillow, 4 iPod cases, 4 wraps/shawls, 3 purses, and 8 scarves and 4 ponchos to complete by December 20, 2006. Think I'll make it? I just jack up the air and keep crochetting. However, I work during the day so I crochet in the evenings from about 6pm to 12am so it is a bit cooler then.

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I feel you--I live in Mississippi, where 95+ and humid is standard for this time of year. Fortunately, I'm cold-natured and can work on afghans if the AC is on at the house (which it is because of my hot-natured hubby). I too have been working on caps, both knit and crochet, and dishcloths for upcoming gifts. You can get your fix--use cotton or acrylic yarn--don't deny yourself!! :hook

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I do my smaller projects during the day when i am downstairs with the kids, then at night when i go to my room... where the AC resides, I plug away at the bigger stuff... I don't know what it is, but i just can't stop crocheting... i even crocehted outside today while the kids ran around around me... i think i've got a spell on me or something, the hooks just keep calling my name :rofl

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When I am out and about it seems insane to even think about boing home and working on an afghan. I do go downstairs to the basement and watch tv or sit with my son while he reads or plays video games and I crochet- a blanket!

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i do the smaller projects too, it is really hot here today and should be getting hotter tomorrow. you can hardly breath outside. I feel so bad for the people who have to work outside to do their jobs!


I have been doing granny squares, and scrap ghans and looking at patterns i want to try.


try to keep cool!

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Well, you can take a plane and come to Argentina! We woke up today in Buenos Aires with minus 0º Celsius. Last week we had a hail storm and the balls were so big as golf balls, lots of cars damaged here in Buenos Aires... Snow in the South of the Country. The way in the Cordillera de los Andes -between Argentina and Chile- had to be closed because of the snow. Trucks and cars are queueing in the cold... BRRRR!!!!!


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