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Granny Square Tapestry pattern. Pinkroses

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A few days ago, someone had posted a granny square tote bag. they did it in black pink and white thread.

does anyone know where the thread went to and the pattern they offered. Help me find it . Thanks. PINKROSES

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I'm not sure where the thread is, But I saw it and printed out the pattern.

The pattern is Tapestry Tote Bag and it can be found at "Crochet To Go" website. Hope you find it. If you cant, I can scan it and send it to you. Let me know, OK.



Kim :princess

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Yep, that's it Barb. Thanks.

Hey, how can I subscribe to that thread to save it to look at?

I like her bag better.

I don't have a scanner or a printer. Any suggestiongs. I hand copyed it. but, I woiuld like to have the Picture too.

Thats for hunting it up for me.


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PinkRoses--At the top, just above the first post there are 3 drop-down boxes. The first is "Thread Tools". Click on it, and the third option is "Subscribe to this thread". Click that one, then click the button that reads "Add Subscription". That should do it!

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Just go to the top of the thread, click on "Thread Tools" and then click on the option "Subscribe to this thread" in the drop-down box. Then you'll be taken to another screen, you need to choose the type of notification you'd like and then click subscribe. Then Voila! you're subscribed to the thread. (Took me a while to figure out that I HAD to click on the subscribe button on the second page).



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Thanks everybody. Hey I might just be asking yal some dumb computer questions.

We got ours finally last Autumn. I still have yet to figure some of the stuff out

For instant . How do I use the word processor thingy? I am a Writer. and need to count my words to my poems and short stroies and devotionals before sending them in.

I have several questions liike that. :lol

You two ladies helped me in an instant. and I am a very slow learner. :lol


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I had to search for it today - I am doing the same bag in browns and pinks! How about a CAL? Anyone?




A CAL sounds great to me. You should post a new thread in the CAL threads. I'll be looking for it!!


Kim :princess

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I'm glad that you asked about subscribing to threads. I was trying :think to figure it out also and I've been working with computers for several years. There are so many different ways of doing stuff on the computer that sometimes it's just makes more sense to ask. :yes

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For word count on a word processor, it probably depends on which program you are using. In Microsoft Word (for example), click on "Tools" at the top, and then "Word Count" should be an option. It might vary a little bit depending on which version or program you're using. You can PM me if you want more detailed help on finding things like that! :yes

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Thanks Julie I just might :lol I have found them on our comupter having problems finding out exactly where to look for the word count. They just don't make it plain enough for begginers. Actually we have had the computer almost a year. But, I am just getting in to wanting to use this feature. PINKROSES

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