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feeding my stash-monster

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so today i got a box of 12 skeins of caron ss (which i cant find here so i have a very generous and patient friend who finds sales buys and ships to me.) i was so excited i had to go through my stash and rework some things until it fit and at the same time tried to make a little extra space for what i am really waiting for. every 3-4 months there is a buy one get on sale at the store i regularly get my yarn, and it should be coming up soon so i went and scoped out the stores and found the one with the biggest clearance and amount of yarns i wanted. i am so excited i am saving up my extra money so i can afford some good deals! just had to let it out, i cant wait i love new yarn. need to stock up on some nice stuff for christmas presents!:hook

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Lucky duck:manyheart , I love when the good fairy shines down on me too:yes

Sounds like a problem I would love to have

Every morning I have to move the box of WIP, move two large bags of yarn to get into my closet to get dressed. DH thinks its weird....I call it heaven:c9

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I store a lot of yarn under my bed in those flat-ish plastic tubs. I just did a stash reduction and got rid of a lot of smaller used up skeins and stuff. There is a retirement home near me and those ladies love the stuff. They also make stuff to sell in their gift shop. I like that better than Goodwilling it.

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Yup... I have one of those big plastic boxes (30 gallons?) of worsted weight, mostly new skeins that I got on clearance somewhere, then I have tons of bags here and there of odds and end yarns, maybe that I had set asside for a project or something. I promised my hubby that I would use all the yarn/thread until it can fit in that one box before I buy any more yarn. When I say buy more yarn, I mean like, raid the sales and buy $30 worth or something. I might buy a skein here or there... This is such an addiction!!! I love it though! :)


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