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Annie's Attic Award Winning Afghans

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zI have been watching E-Bay for mnths for this pattern book. The last one went last week in an auction for $47.00 I will keep looking though. The only way to share is if someone sends you their copy because of copyright laws.

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I personally don't see what the difference is if a group of people all chip in their money and pass the pattern around. You've all still paid for it, it's like co-owning a house or any other item. Another way to work it is if you had, say 12 people interested in each chipping in $5. The first person shells out $60 for it, the 2nd gives the first $55, the third gives the second $50, etc...


And if they were all really good friends, when they were done, the last person could then sell it again and split the money between them all.


They've all owned the book, they've all paid for the book, etc. Don't see a copyright problem there.


If someone was really smart, they'd have a sign-up to join in the purchase - instead of a traveling hook, it would be the travelling pattern book. Everyone signs up, pays into the kitty and the book travels and ownership transfers as it goes. Still legal.


Another way: buy the book, then someone can have it from you for the $60 - they can have the $60 back when they return the book.


There are many ways to share the book and still keep it legal. Copyright law does NOT specify that the person "owning" the book has to keep it to themselves, they are allowed to loan out the book (just not copies of the pages), they are allowed to sell the book, then buy it back - copyright law does NOT state that the purchase ALL has to be made from one person's funds, either.


It only states that you cannot copy or sell copies of the work.

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Be sure to check Annie's free pattern of the day (I think they're still doing that). A while back, the free pattern was for the "Nosegays" afghan out of this book. Stands to reason that the "Cathedral Window" could show up one day, too. Stranger things have happened.

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Yes, you can share the book, you just can't copy pages or anything.


I really do not know why this booklet doesn't go into re-print. They would make a killing considering how much people pay for it on eBay.


Another suggestion is to check out the local Estate Sales. You can find some really cool treasures at those. You may just get lucky!

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Natasha - I can just imagine the stampede of angry crocheters who paid $50-60 for this book storming the Annie's Attic office if that happened! :laughroll


I agree that they should re-publish the pattern since it is so popular. Wasn't there a rumor a couple of months ago that it was going to be re-published next year?

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I emailed Annie's Attic a while ago asking them about reprinting this and they never responded. Maybe we should inundate them with email messages!

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