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ok what I'm doing

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Ok so yeah after going through losing my best friend by her moving away then my fiance leaving me for someone who hurt him and losing my child and losing one of my beloved pets I've decided its time for a change it's time for me to be happy again fianlly do something for me instead of always being there for some one else be there for myself. So I've decided to paint my room, buy/make new clothes, change my body by exercising, and change my hair. Which I don't want my mom to pay for any of this so I was wondering if any body has any tips about what I can make and sale at the flea market up the road from me and online. Also with stuff I can make as like clothing for me to wear I figure this is a good way for other people to see how cool crocheting can be and a good way for me to make money. Any tips will be greatly apriciated and so I don't have to take up alot of space thanking every one of you for your wonderful tips! so thank you :hug:manyheart:yay:cheer:clap All of you are the best!!!!

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way to go! i would suggest, skullies, baby hat and mitten sets, interesting or unusual yarn scarves. i'm not sure what oconee is like, but in greenville, those are the types of things that will sell well. you might want to whip up a poncho or shawl (call it a prayer shawl, and it will definately go *giggle*)

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i must say way to go, and it is probably for the best for you. being engaged at 16 is a bit hasty you have so much time to have fun and see the world before you have to be an adult. sorry you lost a pet and a friend, that really stinks. and on another note check out consignment shops or upscale baby shops. i sell baby blankets/hats/booties and they go for a pretty good price and usually dont take long or much yarn to make. good luck

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I'm almost walking distance from Bob Jones U! Oconee sounds like my neighborhood!!! lots of golf carts!

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Hi there! How you doing:hug ? If there are so many retired people about make things that older people would need ....like eyeglass cases or strings of beads to hold their eyeglasses around their necks, or if you want to make other stuff like fridgies, washcloths, soap saver bags,bookmarks....everyone uses them and you can make a lot of them quickly! Good Luck...remember "Today is the first day of the rest of your life!"

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shawls in a retirement community might sell well...as we get older we get colder!!!

crocheted belts to the younger set

skullies go well everywhere

kitchen sets sell well at flea markets...really...

and baby items do too

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Hi there! How you doing:hug ? If there are so many retired people about make things that older people would need ....like eyeglass cases or strings of beads to hold their eyeglasses around their necks, or if you want to make other stuff like fridgies, washcloths, soap saver bags,bookmarks....everyone uses them and you can make a lot of them quickly! Good Luck...remember "Today is the first day of the rest of your life!"


If you have a lot of retired folks, don't overlook stuff for babies or kids. Many older folks are reluctant to buy stuff for themselves, but love to spoil the grandkids.



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Golf carts as a form of transportation! How funny:lol :lol . The only experience I've ever had with a golf cart is when my uncle got drunk while playing and ran over my cousin and broke my cousins arm (all adults). Now that was funny:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


I always did real well at flea markets with things like dishcloths, kitchen sets, lab afghans, slippers, small purses, anything that is inexpensive and quick for you to make.

Don't get discouraged at the flea market. People are going there to get a bargain. Don't make anything that is going to cost you too much in time and yarn. You won't get what you deserve for it. And you'll get upset and end up "giving it away" for less than the amount of the yarn just to get some money.

After you pay for the space, buy the yarn, put in the time to make stuff, and spend the weekend in the weather, you may find you spent more than you made.

I'm not trying to discourage you. Just letting you know what the perils are from experience. If I knew how to sell stuff on line, I'd do that first and leave the flea market as a last resort.

Do you have any stores that take crafters items for a percentage of the profit. We have one in our mall here called Crafters Corner. I rent a space for 100.00 a month and fill it with all my stuff and I price them high but reasonable for the mall. There is a clerk who sits there all day and operates the place just like a regular store in the mall. The clerk has a list of all the items and what the lowest price crafters will go on them.

That is one avenue, but let me warn you that it is a VERY S-L-O-W process to get money. You may have two sales one day and no sales for a week or two, and they only pay you at the end of your months lease. Sometimes I didn't even make enough for the next months rent. However, at Christmas, I kick butt. Especially with last minute shoppers.


Good luck!! I think you are very brave for wanting to do all this without your mom paying for it. You are very responsible for your age. I am sorry to hear about your dog and best friend. I send to blessings and strength to get thru it all.

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Good luck on your endeavours! I was also going to suggest dishcloths...they sell like hot cakes at the flea markets that I've been shopping. Especially if you knit (gasp, did I actually use that word?!) them...they take less yarn (but a little more time) so you can get your money's worth out of the yarn.


Um...at the risk of sounding totally stupid...what are "skullies"? They sound interesting....

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ok I said I wouldnt do this but thank you guys for all your suggestions you all are the best I got a chance to sell some skullies and other stuff to the place where I'm going to get the stuff to dread my hair the company is in the same state as me they are awesome and really nice! I'm so happy woot I'm working on some hair stuff now to hold the dreads and to wear to show off dreads I've wanted dreads for along time now and I think its time for me to do it well thanks again

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:D How about toys!:D

I have a few free patterns that I have posted on here.

I dont mind people making and selling the finished product.

They dont take much yarn, but can have a lot of character!


I have made a few.... well..more than a few for my LYS in town.

I cant keep up though.


If you price them reasonable, I am sure they would sell.


Good luck to you.


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I'm making head bands kinda I'm ganna add ribbon on to the ends so you can tie it and hold your hair back my grandmother use to make things like this for my mom hopefully the pople that sell the dread care products will like them wish me luck!!! The guy that owns the company knits so yeah and he really wants to see some of my work I'm so happy but I gotta get some sleep school registration is tomarrow and I'm ganna see if they can give me an extra math or science maybe history.

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