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Feeling Guilty. Pinkroses

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Do you ever feel guilty over starting a new project and

the cost?

Well, I went to AcMoore's today and brought the prettiest lavender cotton yarn.

I am finishing up a shawl I have been knitting in the same yarn only it is a medium pink. Really soft and pretty.

The cost of the new project was a bit higher that I had orginally planned. I started feeling a bit guilty.

I knitted the shawl.

This is going to be a sweater. I had to get more yarn. It is going to be crocheted ( I think) maybe. I haven't really decided. one is crocheted I like right well with the pinapples crocheted on the collar and sleeves and bottom.

The other is knitted with bobble acents.

I just was feeling guilty about the cost. I don't dare ment ion. :lol

Do any of you feel guilty when you start a new project like a really pretty sweater. You know it would cost a bundle to buy it. And you enjoyed making it.

I get this way every time I purschase a lot of expensive yarn.:( PINKROSES

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Oh yes, this is me!! I once bought some wool to make a felted tote bag....4 skeins of black. That in itself wasn't too bad. But then it needed a contrast color...I found the prettiest blue fleck wool that I just adored. It was $15 a ball!! :eek I have used that bag for the past 4 years, felted wool is SO sturdy!! It SHOULD last....it cost enough money for the yarn!:yes

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I wouldn't feel guilty and you shouldn't feel guilty either. If you are enjoying the project that you are working on, and really like the yarn because you know that the sweater, shawl or whatever, is going to look fabulous when it is finished, I'd say it is well worth it. Sure, you could go to a store and buy a knit sweater or a crocheted top, but it just isn't the same as a very special handmade one.....those are practically priceless!

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Daisy has a point......but I do still feel guilty! MOSTLy because when I buy that new yarn I no more and step out of the store and remember that I have a list of at least 30 other projects at home that already have the yarn for!

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I figure if you can pay your bills and aren't depriving your family of things they need you shouldn't feel guilty. (And yarn is nothing compared to machine embroidery where you start with A $4000+ sewing machine---this is my most expensive "hobby".) I wondered if I should feel guilty, but I make things for the whole family and our house, and I deserve nice supplies to use.

Fortunately I have a husband who grew up with a sewing aned knitting mother and he understands my "addictions" and accepts (even encourages) them. I don't feel that I have to justify myself all the time.

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I have felt this. The blanket I crocheted for my sister in Homespun took about 12 skiens. At $4something a skein it was a bit out of my league. But I did that over the course of 6 months so I didn't feel it as bad.

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I walked into my LYS last week and picked up some Biggy Print, asked the owner how much and she said 8 pounds something ($15 ish), let me go find out. I quickly put it back on the shelf and said it didnt matter lol.


I do feel bad when i spend a lot on enough yarn for a project but id much rather spend a little more and make it myself than wear something that everyone has too

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I feel bad buying more yarn when I already have yarn at home for other projects that I should do first. But, that's how we crocheters are - lol. I did use 40-50% off coupons over about six months to by all the homespun I needed for an afghan that I just have to make - as soon as I get other stuff done - I bought the yarn last year and still haven't started it, but I saved at least half the cost by buying it the way I did.

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Yup...that's me! I try to keep my costs down to where what I am making is about the same price as if I would buy it ready made. But I do allow myself occasional splurges and try not too feel too guilty about it, because I could be wasting money and time doing other less constructive things!

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