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Wish me luck! UPDATE....See post #23

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I just dropped off my crocheted (and knit) items at the county fair yesterday. I am so excited! This will be the first time I have ever entered. You don't win much; $10.00 in the afghan division, $5.00 in the other divisions, but I didn't do it for the money....I just wanted to see how I compare to other crocheters out there.


I enter my 63 more afghan from this post, my round ripple baby afghan from this post, the felted striped hat from this post, a sweater that I just finished and didn't take a picture of, and a felted knit bag.


The fair starts today. I'm not sure when they judge everything. I am going tonight, so if they have judged I will post tomorrow and let you know how I did.


I can't wait!

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I truly wish you the best of luck and that you win......It's a good feeling of accomplishment when you win something. It's not the prize but the acknowledgment that you've done good in your craft. I'll be cheering you on! :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer

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Ooh good luck. I especially love the big afghan. looks like a winner to me!


I checked out my county fair and they dont do crochet crafts, just knitting and sewing. Im outraged, im gonna go complain on the day :)

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Well, I went to the fair last night.....they hadn't judged any of the needlework yet.


I was the only hat, sweater, and purse entered. There were a few baby afghans and regular afghans...so we will have to see. There were a ton of doilies.


I am going back to the fair tomorrow....I will keep everyone posted.

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Good Luck!! Fairs are fun! Mine is coming up the end of August and I am just starting my project (whatever it is). I do that all the time. Wait until the last possible minute then figure out the project, buy yarn, and crochet for a week straight to get it done.:D That's me, the Queen of Procrastination:queen


Good Luck again! The 63 square blanket is a popluar item at fairs. I always see one or two with ribbons every year.

Mine took 3rd place about 10 years ago.

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It took me 60 years to enter my first county fair. All we can win are ribbons ...... no cash. Good luck!!!!! Your things are very well done, you should do good. Be proud!!

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Wooo Hooo! Everything I entered won a blue ribbon! I can't beleive it. The lady that was behind the desk said I must have been good because a former Home Ec teacher was the judge, and she goes over everything with a fine tooth comb. She looks for loose threads...looks at how you weave ends in....etc. I have always worried about my weaving in ends....I never feel that I do it the "right" way...I'm always worried that it will come apart!


Thank you to all of you that have given me support. I really appreciate it!


Now to think about what I migh make for next year! lol!

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You can be proud of those blue ribbons! You earned it!

That should be a big boost of confidence for you!

WOW, I am proud of you!


take a bow


Best Wishes

Daisy :flower

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