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Please NO MORE!

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I tell you what, I'm nearing the end of my most recent project and I'm suprised I haven't gone insane :loco ! If I never see the letters FPdc and BPdc I will be the happiest woman in the world. I know it's not that difficult, but it took forever for just 3 rows:thair. UGH! Thank God that's over!:dance:woo:cheer

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I WISH I could do those stitches...I intentionally bought a doily pattern book that featured those stitches...so I could force myself to learn!!!!!!! I guess you could be grateful that you are able to figure them out right? Although I know what you mean about the redundancy!! AAACKK..

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The thing with those stitches is that you really have to pay attention on what row you are on! I did a basketweave scarf and almost lost my mind trying to keep track. And Then I lost the paper that I was keeping track on and man, I was in big trouble. I figured it out, but it took a lot of patience!


Aren't you glad your project is over?



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I think they're fun stitches! But of course I'm always up for a challenge. WHAT is your most recent project Em? I have not been able to be "connected" as much as I would like to lately. DD#1 (14) has me "stealing" every second I can on the net. I remember when there was NO my space or Xanga. Kinda ironic cuz I'm thinkin bout gettn' my own my space (like the lingo? :lol. (not quite right!).

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Ahh, I'm glad I'm not the only one! I thought it was just me being...whatever I am:think Thanks for all the support. And yes I am TOTALLY happy that part of the project is over!:yay

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I made a huge basketweave blanket for Project Linus (it was big enough to fit a double bed!), and I told my sister that was the last one she was ever going to get from me. Like you said, it's not that the stitches are hard, but whew, they were hard on my hands (I have recurring CTS)!

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I never have had trouble doing them. I even designed a billed cap using them & you have to increase with them fairly often. I can't post a photo as I don't have a digital camera. Besides I made the cap for someone else so don't have it any more but it wasn't difficult. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones....Just didn't realize so many other people had problems with it.

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