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Whittlin' Hubby....

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Woooo hoooooooo:cheer :cheer

My hubby is whittling a hook for me from an apple tree in our yard!!! I am sooooooo excited. He is working away at it and appears to be having a grand time!!!

wooooooooo hooooooooooooooo:clap :clap

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How nice of him. My great , great, grandmother made one. I have it , but I don't use it. It is to special to use. It is the only thing I have of her.PINKROSES

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That is sooooo awesome!. I would love for my husband to whittle ME a hook, but I'm afraid he would cut his finger off! Just out of curiosity...How do you know what size it will be? I don't know much about wooden hooks, as I have never used one. What am I missing? Details...Pleeez?

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I wish my hubby could whittle a hook for me. He's just not into that sort of thing. so, If I want a fancy hook, I'd have to buy one. Mine are the plain old regular every day hooks....but that's okay....they all do the same thing. However, you are very lucky to have a homemade...handmade hook. That is something very special, so take good care of it! You have got to be soooooo happy! and that is so wonderful! :cheer:clap:cheer

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My hubby went by guesstimate for the first one...he took an N hook. He just has to sand it down for me...I hope he doesnt loose his steam on this cuz it looks GREAT!! I will post a pic if it is ever completed. It definitely WON"T snap, it's pretty thick. If it is ever done, I want to make none other than a seraphina with it!!

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