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The ultimate question!

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My husband is an amazing man! Not 5 minutes ago I was going through some of today's posts and sharing with him some of the cool things I saw and this is what he says to me. "Ya know, you've suprised me quite a bit with this crochet stuff. Every day you show me something new that I had no idea could be made with crochet." Which to me is just great, my husband actually DOES pay attention to my "silly girly stuff". Not only that, but he is starting to slowly show more interest with every project. Don't get me wrong, he would NEVER even think about picking up a hook, to him crochet is well...girly...shows what he knows. ANYWAY, so here's what he asks me..."I want you to totally shock me by finding something that you could crochet that I would never dream could be made with crochet." So here's your homework. Help me blow my husbands mind with how great crochet is by helping me find the one thing I could crochet that he would never guess could be done! Thanks in advance for the help!

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Empress, I've heard stories about you! And I think you just proved them true. Is there ANYTHING you can't find patterns for?! Thanks for all your help, he is amazed!

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Even *I* wouldn't attempt that!!! Why waste all that time and effort on a BED LINER!??? Oh my, if you could see the abuse my husband gives his bed liner, I would much rather volunteer ANYTHING other than my handcrafted time to a bedliner!



But, speaking of funny things - how about insoles for his shoes?!?!? :rofl

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Aliens & other stuff


(I've decided to PM this link as it may not meet the PG rule.. my apologies to anyone who saw it before edit..and is/was offended. If I understand right, we can only go to PG-13 in the Off-Topic area?? )


Chicken Viking Hat




Crocheted Fiberglass (wow!)



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You guys are the best!:ghug It has been a really rough week and ya'll just made me fall out of my chair laughing! I really needed that! Thanks everyone!:D

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Good for your hubby. Mine however could care less. He says . " Not another crochet or knitting project. " Where are you going to put all that stuff? I quilt and sew as well True , I am running out of room. That is another story.:lol Oh well., keeps me out of trouble expectin of course with hubby. :yesPINKROSES

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Darth Vader Hot Sauce cover:





I made that one for my friend. :)


And my fiance designed and made this iPod cozy for himself:



(but then he's no slouch when it comes to crafty things. He does leather work and used to do lapidary work)

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I couldn't find the site, but I know there are links here on Cville for a crochetted boob, complete with nipple....the boob was used in a pillow pattern and an afghan pattern...I know it made me laugh my A** off just cause I couldn't imagine why anyone would make one, let alone make a pillow with them...and THEN I saw the afghan!!

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You should have seen the horrific look my truck drivin husband gave me when I read this to him! I'm not sure which caused me to laugh harder, this or him! You made my day!!!! :lol


How about you crochet him a bed liner for his pickup truck?



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I couldn't find the site, but I know there are links here on Cville for a crochetted boob, complete with nipple....the boob was used in a pillow pattern and an afghan pattern...I know it made me laugh my A** off just cause I couldn't imagine why anyone would make one, let alone make a pillow with them...and THEN I saw the afghan!!July 22nd, 2006 02:53 AM


Here is the link for the pillow


And here is the link for the afghan


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