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organizing patterns

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I too use the binders. Only problem is the holes like to pull through.. I know you can get the stickers that keep it from happening just have not gotten around to it yet.

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Binders and protectors here too.

Sleeves aren't that much at Staples for a box. About $11 I think it is.


I like to have everything in print so I can sit on the floor and peruse to my heart's content.

Same here. I already spend too much time on the computer and when I want a pattern my husband is usually having his comp time. We only have the one. :)

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Right now I have tons of patterns stored on the computer and only print the pattern when I am going to make it. Then I toss that print. I have them sorted into categories and some are sorted into sub categories like doilies; those are subdivided by things like floral, ruffle, pineapple.


The books and magazines I have in a box and on a shelf. I will go through the magazines from time to time to see if there is anything I will really make in the mag. If not I give it away, if there is only one or two things I want I scan them into the computer and then give the mag away.


I have to be careful, I am obsessed with patterns as it is, if I kept all the magazines there would be nothing else in the house. The yarn thing is just as bad. The computer stores the patterns so I have more room to store the yarn!


I would really like to scan everything into the computer but I don't think I could really give up those books. Oh well!:lol

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Well, I only print out a few patterns at a time, so I do the 3-ring binder and plastic sleeve thing. I have a written "Table of Contents" in the front of it, and when it gets full enough, I'm going to type that out to put in a plastic sleeve as well.


Most of the patterns I use, though, have been on the internet and I just sit in front of my computer (laptop, which I can take anywhere in the house) and crochet.


Saving them to disks wouldn't work for me, though. We loose too many disks in this house - usually the fault of my completely disorganized hubby who has to search the bedroom from top to bottom every time he needs a disk because he can't remember where he put the darned thing!!!

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Most of my patterns get printed out as I get ink in the printer. None of this print-when-needed stuff, I'd forget where it was. Important patterns that I need *now* I get printed out by a friend who mails them to me :D Printed patterns are in folders. Patterns waiting to be printed have been moved to floppy discs until the tower with the CDRW returns to put them on CD. Books and leaflets are in a case. As this tower only has a small hard drive, I have created a Gmail email address specifically for sending patterns and other useful information to, until I can get it off the net/puter.


But I do like that filing cabinet idea...now I can be on the look out for one of those ;)

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I have saved most of the electronic patterns in different folders (ie clothing, afghans, home decor and such) some of the pattern folders are even more divided with home decor having pillow patterns, Christmas decor, Halloween decor, and such.

On the patterns that I printed or been lucky enough to find in my hunts for ever more patterns. I have three ring binders that I purchase at goodwill. I came across 7 of them for a dollar a piece, which I couldn't pass up since the big ones are normally like 3 to 4 dollars a piece. So in one binder I have afghans, another I have clothing, another doily and thread patterns, and the like. I have a label maker and put labels on the spines of the binder.

Then for the patterns and magazines that don't fit into the binders because they are an awkward size, I have them in magazine holder thingies, also purchased at goodwill.

So when somebody mentions wanting a pattern or I think about doing something for somebody I pull a binder or look on the computer.

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My mom gave me her two drawer file cabinet recently which was a huge help be cause my expand a file was bursting. One drawer for crochet magazines and books and one drawer for patterns. I got a bunch of file folders and labeled everything by project, thread doilies, yarn doilies, adult clothing tops and dresses ect... this has been a great help now I can find everything as soon as I open the drawer. But I think that I will be getting a four drawer cabinet before the year is out :blush

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I have my books and magazines in a cabinet. The smaller patterns I have printed out are in plastic sleeves in binders. Works very well. Michelle

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OK, I have a lot of patterns, but keep in mind I've been collecting them for 20-odd years now. :blush


My leaflets and booklets are stored in 4 file drawers. They're arranged by subject--stuffed toys, doilies, afghans, Christmas, pencil toppers, misc. thread things, hats, vintage, scarves, etc.


My books are piled on a shelf in my craft room closet so I can 1. see the titles, and 2. keep them away from Rumpole whose latest hobby is shredding any paper he can get his little paws on.


Patterns I get off of the internet I keep in expanding file folders. Once again, I arrange them by subject--hats, scarves, toys, kitchen/useful, pets, hair stuff, ideas, etc, etc, and I list the name of each pattern on a piece of paper I keep in the front of each folder so I don't have to dig through everything each time.


My recent magazines I've been keeping in the file drawers. I went through my old magazines several months ago and copied out the patterns I liked and put them in with my internet patterns. I keep those magazines in storage now.


I tried the 3-ring binder thing several years ago but it was a pain to keep punching the holes, and then when I removed a pattern to use it just seemed like such a chore to put it back in....:devil Well, it just wasn't for me. :hook

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My mother (a woman who has been doing yarn work for 40 years) has a 4 drawer file cabinet and several books. She can't find a lot of stuff, but she uncovers gold when she can (I'm making an afghan from a 1980 Woman's Day pattern).


I have a lot of print outs in piles. I organize them by Favorites, and all others. The all others are grouped by topic (baby, hats, toys, afghans) and normally sub grouped within (baby sweaters, baby hats, baby booties). It's all one pile.

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