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organizing patterns

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This may sould silly, but how do you organize your patterns....:heehee

I have thought about putting them all in a three ring binder, but they are so many different sizes...thought that the smaller ones could be put in those plastic sleeves. :help then i thought about one of those small filing cabinets, like you use for bills.


Any suggestions?:think

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I use binders and plastic sleeves, and am converting to all digital, storing them on CD (PDFs, Docs) and now using a great program called MyNotesKeeper to store the copy and paste patterns and pictures I find on the internet.

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Danielle - that is a great idea. My computer is from 1998, so, when I get back to the real world with an updated computer, that would be perfect to do. Sure would cut down on space in the house.


I am using the accordian folding file boxes. This is good for all the freebie patterns from the store and off the internet. I file them by theme like afghans, baby, amigurumi, toys, purses, etc. At least then, all the loose patterns are in one spot. If a pattern book fits in the slot, I put that in there too. All my other pattern books I put in magazine holders - the ones that look like a half of box. Then they can sit on a shelf out of the way.

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:yes I am so glad you asked...I have been :think pondering...what I am I going to do with these paper patterns...I am getting ready to move and I am trying to organize:rofl my crafts before I move...


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Organizing? I have different piles of papers on the floors and just search. But then get frustrated and either look myself for the pattern on the Internet or Crochetville, OR, the most frequent, ask others for help in finding!!!!!!!!! LOL, but true, alas and alack!

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I use a couple of methods already mentioned. I store magazines/digests in cardboard magazine holders, as well as loose/single patterns. Books on a bookshelf. I'm also in the (probably eternal) process of scanning as many as I can so that when I decide to make something I can print it out and make any sketches or prep notes on it without defacing my original, as well as making any notes or changes that are necessary. And most important, MONTHLY BACKUPS!

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It is so hard to organize everything. I do lot of different things. I am never organized. It is driving me nutty. PINKROSES

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I started the three ring binder thing, but the output of my printer (yes, it's the printer's fault, not mine---that's my story and i'm sticking to it!) has quickly exceeded the binder and plastic page cover thing I have going. Your idea of putting them in a filing cabinet is actually probably the best idea if you have a large number of patterns. Those three ring binders take up a lot of space and those plastic page protectors are not exactly cheap.


I might look into a small filing cabinet. Thanks for the idea!


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i am using the 3 ring binders and page protecters, if i need to make temporary notes i just use dry erase markers on the page protecters. i even make copies of the patterns in mags.(for my use only,this way i dont tear up the mag. getting it out all the time) do that for books toso i wont spill stuff or tear the pages. right now i have about 13 3 ring binders some full some only half or so. i am also collecting annies crochet newsletter and pattern club, i will go thru each mag. and make a copy of patterns i want to make and then put the mags in a safe place. annies crochet and pattern club are real pop ular right now(i just found this out) any way thats what i do:eek

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Organizing?! :eek

All of mine are in a Flat-Rate Priority envelope. LoL It's pretty full, though, so I'll have to get another soon. (I do have some that are in a 3-ring binder, but...I don't have a 3-hole punch, so they're not all there yet. Yep- that's my excuse and I'm stickin' to it. :lol )

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Okay, so I'm a geek. Here's mine. :lol


2217960830026294795RSxzxO_th.jpg (click for enlarge)


Plus a couple of 3-ring binders. 1 for thread, 1 for stuff I finished, 1 for... well, everything else. I tried seperating it with tabbies but those quit being used in the first week. :lol I like to keep as much as possible in Word format so there's less digging. Then I can just right-click and search the whole folder if I'm not sure where I put it!

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I like three ring binders for leaflets and magazines. I make magazine holders from plastic canvas, and cut the slit custom to the leaflet in question. This way, I don't punch holes in my booklets, but they are stored nicely! Larger books (like Afghans for All Seasons) sit next to the binders.


I'm a big fan of digital patterns, and have a few copies of my storage cds (with a toddler running around, you never can be too safe).


I stick free tear sheets in sleeve protectors or folders.

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Well, I may have more patterns than some of you. I used to have them divided by subject and each subject in an envelope box. I outgrew that method and got tired of searching through boxes. My dear sweet darling wonderful husband organized me this summer. He bought me a 5-drawer filing cabinet (yes, I said 5-drawer) with hanging files. I have an afghan category, baby category, accessories, Christmas, etc. One entire drawer is devoted to doilies. Each category is sub-categorized by publisher; i.e. ASN, Annie's Attic, Leisure Arts. The magazines are separated in the bottom two drawers alphabetically by name.


It took a lot of work and some money, but it is SO NICE to be able to put my hands on anything in a short period of time. Not to brag or anything, but he also bought large cabinets in the garage and plastic tubs for all my yarn, which is also categorized. Isn't he wonderful?:hug


The patterns I have printed off the internet are in a 3-ring binder in protective sleeves. I like to have everything in print so I can sit on the floor and peruse to my heart's content.:manyheart


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I live in " controlled chaos " I use boxes and file cabinets and drawers and piles and when all else fails I buy the pattern again and if all that fails I end up winging it and make up my own pattern. Good luck in finding anything that actually works

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Corchetrae....may i steal your husband?


Thanks for all the ideas and maybe i will get my patterns and hooks all together. I am leaning toward the filing cabinet thing....we are redoing a bedroom and maybe i will get a small wooden one and use is as a bedside table too!:devil

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Oh gee, I've got too many patterns. I have them in binders (the ones that will fit), I have them on book shelves & in drawers (those short ones) I also have to index my patterns so I can even find what I want, now that's just too many!:eek

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originally I tried to use an accordian folder. That didn't work so well. I have many of them saved on my computer. I have a folder for crochet, and in that separate folders for baby things, hats, afghans, sweaters, bags, etc.


I'm going to move the ones from the accordian file into a 3 ring binder. I'll but them in plastic sleeves. I like that because it keeps them clean and I can use a dry erase marker to mark my place when I'm making something from the pattern.

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I put every pattern in a plastic sleeve, and put all of them in a 3 ring binder according to category- afghans, kids, adults. The reason for the sleeves is if i carry it along somewhere the pattern is protected for future use!

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Like many others, I use 3 ring binders. I have several, divided into broad categories. Now my problem is that with all of the books, leaflets, binders and magazines, I've outgrown my bookshelves!

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Most internet patterns I store on the computer plus burned on cd's for backup.


I try to only print a pattern when I am ready to start it but sometimes I get ahead of myself & have half a dozen printed out. When I'm done a project I put them in a binder.


Magazines-- I haven't been able to come up with an organization plan I like yet. Right now they are in a magazine rack & a couple of stacks.

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I started the three ring binder thing' date=' but the output of my printer (yes, it's the printer's fault, not mine---that's my story and i'm sticking to it!) has quickly exceeded the binder and plastic page cover thing I have going. Your idea of putting them in a filing cabinet is actually probably the best idea if you have a large number of patterns. Those three ring binders take up a lot of space and those plastic page protectors are not exactly cheap.


I might look into a small filing cabinet. Thanks for the idea!



You can get page protectors at the dollar store a lot of times. I believe there are 15 in a pkg. That will help with the cost factor if interested.

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