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ummm... a little bit tense???

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I've bent hooks but never broken them. I gave up knitting because all my needles ended up REALLY bent.....in the end I realized I hated, well, really disliked knitting....maybe you have an issue with that particular ball of thread?, or is it crochet rage (like road rage) Actually I think its because it was an aluminum hook;personally I only use steel hooks for thread projects. Breaking your hook gives you a reason to visit your lys so maybe it was a good thing

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I started with a full set of the plastic hooks, from size C through P...the first project I worked with each hook, I snapped the hook clean through...never felt them giving, just suddently heard a SNAP and had a much shorter hook in my hand...now I've only got the plastic from size L & up LOL!!


I did just bend my metal C hook...I was trying to force the stitches through...I'm glad I was able to fix it though LOL!!!



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Ahh...so they can snap in two. When I'm working with thread I always feel like my hook is going to bend or snap. Now that I know it's possible I'll be more careful. Last night I was working with size 3 thread and I really thought my hook was going to snap but thankfully it didn't. :)

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Oh my - a little too uptight now are we.


I could call the SPCCH on you. They don't take these kind of accusations lightly. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Crochet Hooks is very active is trying to prevent this sort of thing. While they have never been to visit my house, I have received a warning or two about the treatment I give my hooks. Holding too tightly (which might casue breakage). Using the crochet hook to dig something out of the sofa cushion. Attempting to use a crochet hook at a writing implement (didn't look at what I was picking up). Then there is the storing of plastic, wood, alum, steel hooks all together where they could start a fight. The SPCCH has a whole list of offenses.


You better be careful, they have EYEs everywhere. I have heard that yarn balls quite often report us crocheters. It seems that yarn doesn't like being tied up in all these different knots.

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Haha! It was a size B. And single crocheting with baby yarn which kept on seperating, I guess I just gripped it a bit too hard. I hate using those hooks anyways, If they made the clover soft touch hooks in the teensy sizes, Id use nothing else. It sure made me laugh though. (And it was at work) LOL

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That's funny about bending the hook. I can laugh about it because I have broken a metal hook. I was making bears and was on the last one, almost finished, when the hook broke. I was so mad because I didn't have another one that size. When I bought another one I also bought extra hooks so I now have 2 of each size!

The bears I was making are out of Crochet World Feb. 2002. Using Lion Brand Micro-spun yarn and a C hook. I'll try to post a picture but I haven't done that before.



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That's funny about bending the hook. I can laugh about it because I have broken a metal hook. I was making bears and was on the last one, almost finished, when the hook broke. I was so mad because I didn't have another one that size. When I bought another one I also bought extra hooks so I now have 2 of each size!

The bears I was making are out of Crochet World Feb. 2002. Using Lion Brand Micro-spun yarn and a C hook. I'll try to post a picture but I haven't done that before.




Seabreeze---those are the CUTEST crocheted bears I have ever seen! And, I think it also has to be the best use of eyelash yarn--it looks like you carried an eyelash with the microspun? That pattern might be worth trying to dig up that back issue.


Thanks for posting!


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