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"Yes, Veronica, there really IS a crochet dude"

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And then there are those of us who actually had Drew sit behind them in class and were totally clueless.




Yeah, that would be me. I must have been the only one who didn't recognize him "in real life". ROFL.

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Hmm, well sorry girls..I could have Tom Cruise, or Johhny Depp, or anybody else (famous) sit behind me in class, or bump into me on the street, and I wouldn't have a clue.

Okay, well, I find the fascination with the dude tickles me....so maybe..MAYBE I'd know him if I saw him, someday.

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When my son was 8 years old he insisted that I should teach him how to crochet. He picked it up amazingly quickly, but soon decided that crocheting and playing the piano were feminine activities.Now, 10 years later, he has suddenly resumed playing the piano, so I live in hope.

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I didn't recognize you either so it's okay... :yes


And then there are those of us who actually had Drew sit behind them in class and were totally clueless.




Yeah, that would be me. I must have been the only one who didn't recognize him "in real life". ROFL.

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