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Why do my guys friends hate crocheting?

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I just had a few friends over mostly guys because all the girls are grounded for going to this party and getting drunk and I started crocheting because I have ocd and I was having an aniexity attack because my mom messed something up I couldnt fix well any ways they started to laugh so I punched them of course but yeah it seems like guys don't like crocheting to me please if you're a guy don't take this the wrong way.

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true I know it drives them crazy when I visit them and ask for some water because I'm picky about my ice and about all kinds of things like I have to end on mutiple of three or 5 when I'm crocheting now that I think about it its probly because my ocd drives them crazy and we were talking lol but they seem to think its an "old" thing and out of style they're so silly if only guys would be more willing to try crocheting it would calm them down

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Anyone that laughs at a skill like crochet really is being quite immature and ignorant. I bet if they tried it and realized how difficult it is to master they would have a whole other idea about it.


My suggestion? Find new friends. Any "friend" that will laugh at your talents, whether they are crocheting or balancing a spoon on your nose is not someone that is a "true friend" and life is too short to surround yourself with shallow people. :)

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Sometimes they can't believe a young person would be doing something like crochet. They probably associate it with older people in a way they wouldn't if you were doing anime- type sketches. My oldest daughter started knitting when she was about 15 and some of the boys she knew thought she was weird...until they saw the results and then they all wanted her to make them things! She finally told them they would have to pay for their own yarn. My second daughter is a cartoonist and her regular friends think it is very cool but her fellow art students turn their noses up and say it isn't really art. No matter what activity gives you pleasure, someone will find a way to criticize it.

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Any person that thinks a skill like crocheting is an "old" thing and "out of style" just isn't secure enough in themselves to appreciate uncommon talents in others. They should out grow this - - - hopefully. My dear hubby believes there is nothing more feminine or romantic than watching me take a bulky skein of yarn or thread and turn it into something useful and/or beautiful.

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That's just so odd. My fiance wanted me to teach him to crochet and he does really great projects (like an iPod cozy he designed himself).


Though my friend's mom crochets while talking to her husband and he can't stand it since he thinks she's not paying attention (he can't multi-task and can't perceive of others doing so).

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I agree with everyone else...they want your attention...I used to crochet all the time even around my boyfriends and guy friends...fortunately in the 70's and because I wasn't the only crocheting, they didn't think anything of it. I certainly don't remember them giving me grief for it, especially if I made them something...


But guys will do all kinds of things, sometimes destructive things, to get a girl's attention and keep that attention on them...

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Just a word of wisdom - Teenage boys stink. They do. I am so glad that I did not meet my husband until we were in our 20's. Just ignore them. be proud of your skills. And when they ask you to make something for them, laugh. :rofl

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We understand that these guys are your friends...I had lots of guy friends...they are still boys...regardless of their orientation...they are teenagers, they are boys and they still want your undivided attention...dating has nothing to do with it...


There are people, guys and girls, that simply don't like it when they are with someone and they don't feel enough attention is being paid to them...they might feel threatened by the crocheting simply because you're focused on the crocheting and not on them...they don't realise that the crocheting takes nothing away from them...


Although my husband marvels how I can crochet, talk to him and watch tv and pet the cat, seemingly all at the same time...

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i agree, boys that age, well any age really think they are the hot thing, (regardless of their sexual orintation) and when your crocheting, your not paying enough attention to them

my daughters friends were like that at first , but they soon realized that what she was doing was not old and frumpy, but was creating awesome new pieces of art. ask them to try it once and see, they might like it. if not then i would search out a new set of friends . good luck hon

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i would ask them if they would like to try it, my boyfriend tried and and found out it can be harder than it looks, but he is amazed at my talent and proud to know that alot of the things going into my hope chest will be hand made, made by hand warms the heart dont ya know

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Although my husband marvels how I can crochet, talk to him and watch tv and pet the cat, seemingly all at the same time...


lol that's because women can multitask and men (most men) can't!:P

like I've said on the other thread you made...if your "friends" laugh at you because you crochet then maybe you shouldn't be friends with them..they obviously are jealous and real friends would just admire you.

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Men, boys - they're the same. Men are just tall boys. Gay or straight, they want ALL the attention of EVERY female around them. Totally normal.


Anyone who says crochet is "for old ladies" or is "out of style" has been living under a rock. Crochet is hot as cayenne right now :hook


Keep hooking and don't listen to those boys! :P

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Sometimes they can't believe a young person would be doing something like crochet. They probably associate it with older people


I used to get strange looks all the time from my co-workers. A lot of times I'd bring my stuff with me and crochet during my lunch break. Some would tease me and call me and old lady or ask me what I'm knitting :think I'd have to explain it lol But a few people actually asked me to teach them :D

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