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Feeling a Bit Down...

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I think the sweater is beautiful! I know what you mean about not crocheting for praise, but still... when something seems negative, it hurts. I'm sure your Mom didn't mean it that way at all. You did a great job. :)

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i am very sorry you had to go through that with your mom, while mom might not realize how much time and effort and money went into it(which btw is stunning i sooo love it ) and they don't think, my mil was this way for years, i would make her something, she would put it away. i think the hardest one for me to accept is the pillow i made for her that was all handmade and hand needlepoint and took me 6 months to make, and it sits in her bedroom in a box on the floor, growing mold:( , but since she lost her leg and i have been over there more as she needs 24/7 care, i always take my crocheting with me and she realizes how much time and effort, not so much the money as she don't know how much yarns are., now she gets mad if i frog something or throw scraps of yarn away. :lol :lol maybe if you decide to ever try again, have mom pick the yarn, pay for it and find the right pattern she wants, then and only then maybe you might be kind enough to make it for her. and as some also said, with her being as old as she is, it could be that she is starting to lose her thoughts. i know my mil since developing dementia, she is a changed woman and not for the better. :no :no hang in there and i am glad your sis loves your awesome sweater. if not i am sure you could find several people here who would love to own it:hug god bless sweetie

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Funny what a good nights rest will do for the soul. Feeling much better this morning.


I want to again thank those that gave me different things to think about. I would like to address something though.


My mom is basically home bound, I live in SC and she lives in HI - for her to go out and pick yarn would be near impossible. She has had a stroke so moving around isn't all that easy. Also, her skills online, as you well could imagine for an 84 year old woman, isn't all that wonderful.


Looking back at how I was feeling yesterday afternoon, it seems petty now. I was just expecting a different reaction, and since this was the 2nd thing she has done like this about my crocheting it was just a knee-jerk reaction on my part. I am over it now.


I am not giving up crocheting. I enjoy it toooooo much.


Thank you all though, the caring responses I have gotten have really warmed my heart. You all are so sweet to spend the time in cheering up a stranger.

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I sure can relate to all of this....my latest with my mom was that we didnt beg her to come to my son's college graduation. we knoew she wouldnt come, but she still wanted us to beg her.....go figure. I get told about allthe time spent on reading and crocheting, but that is what i love to do.....


Vent all you want......thay is what makes this lace so very special....we all have similiar experiences and all know what it takes to make all the beutiful things we see posted here!


Knicknac....have a great day today!

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First of all, the sweater is beautiful, and I'm sure that if you had just finished the sweater and sent it to your Mom, as a surprise gift, she would have been thrilled. But... you did say that she wanted charcoal yarn, which implies that you asked her what she wanted. While the black and white sweater is lovely, it isn't charcoal. You also said that you sent her pictures, if you asked her what she thought about it, then you need to be prepared for her to tell you, even if it might be something you would rather not hear. You know your Mom loves the things you make and you know she thinks you are very talented. My Mom loves things I make, but trust me, if I were to ask her what color she wanted a scarf( substitute any item here) to be and then made her a different color one, she would say something about it...why ask if I'm not going to do it in that color. If I'm going to take the time and trouble to make something, even a scarf, for someone I would much rather know what they want , and if I "ask" for the person's opinion, I actually expect them to tell me what they think/want/ expect, that way they are much more likely to use the garment that I am taking so much of my time to make. Wouln't you rather she be honest , or would you rather her not say anything, then just never wear the sweater?

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faedragon, all that you say is true. She asked for charcoal, but to be fair, I did tell her I couldn't find any charcoal and that I was going to try something in b&w - she told me to go ahead. I had last year made a blanket for my sister in homespun in a color similar to the look of the sweater and she adored the yarn. So I knew that something like that would work. And she really didn't mention anything about the color, just that the sweater itself was too short and the sleeves were too short.


I do appreciate all the comments directing me to her side of the story, and indeed I have. It was just a moment thing that made me feel a little down, and that feeling has now passed.


Thank you!

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While my mother has always loved the things I make for her, she is almost 80 and not healthy and sometimes she says critical, snippy things that hurt my feelings. I think sometimes this happens just because she isn't feeling as enegetic and healthy as she would like and I am an available target.

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It's a very nice sweater, and I understand how you feel. We expect people to be appreciative even if we make them a lopsided three sleeved turtleneck t-shirt, because they ought to know that it's the thought that really counts.


And in your case, there's absolutely nothing wrong with what you made. You should just feel good about yourself. :hug

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Gosh I know how you feel. I send you:hug . My mom was the same. It was hard to make things for her because she always found something wrong. Just could not please her.

Simply Soft has a beautiful charcoal yarn.

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Simply Soft has a beautiful charcoal yarn.


Are you talking about their Grey Heather? My mom checked out that color and didn't like it. Hopefully your talking about another color.


Thanks again all of you for understanding and the encouragement!

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:hug for you . I think the sweater is pretty. My Mom hasn't worn things I make for her either. So, I don't make her any thing to wear. She never complains about it; but, She never wears them. I know how you feel.PINKROSES
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