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My great Yard Sale Find!

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I went junkin' today and hit the jackpot!!! I found 8 "Quick and Easy Crochet" Magazines and about 10 or so Balls of different colored thread. Most are used but are in good condition, a few thats about dead, and a couple new ones with the packing still intact. All for $4.00!!!! :clap:cheer:clap:cheer:clap:cheer:c9 :c9 :c9


I've already picked out 2 amazing projects out of one. A blue-lace pullover, and a White Cardigan. I just started the blue-lace pullover testing out what hook is best for me. I crochet very tight and I most always have to use the next size hook that is recommended in order for me to get my gauge. I'm still having a hard time with wearables. I cant seem to read the patterns right or get the gauge right either. I already hit a 'bump' in the pattern that I'm just not quite for certain which stitch to work into, but I'll post that here later for some help.



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I had a small yard sale find today - a Leisure Arts #335 "Afghan Parade" leaflet for 10cents. It is very unique in that is has several variations of the same afghan pictured - depending on the number of colors used (scrap or planned, one says) and EVEN gives you the ounces for ALL variations! Very neat.

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I love yard sales - when I have the time. My mom would go all the time if she could. Sometimes on Saturdays we stop at a few. So far this year nothing good craft wise. Always hoping for that stash of yarn, hooks, etc. that someone is getting rid of.


Last year at a holiday craft fair held at city hall, I got a great find. The senior citizens set up a room of all the things they have made to sell. The proceeds go into the senior citizen fund for whatever they need. They always have a table in the corner with used patterns, books, etc for free - take what you want. Well, they had probably 100 pattern books for crochet, with some knitting and some cross stitch, some were just patterns, some were the magazines. I was looking through them, wishing to myself that I could take them all as they were free. But, I couldn't do that. So I was picking out some maybe 10 - planning on having my mom take five and me take five - not being greedy. One of the ladies running that run came over and said I should take them ALL. I told her I couldn't as others might want some, she said PLEASE TAKE THEM! So, I insisted on giving a donation. She didn't want one, we went back and forth and finally she told me alright how about $10. I was thrilled. Loved looking through all of them and sorting out what I would keep, pass along to others, etc.


I hope I can get one good yard sale find this year. Good luck in all your hunting.

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I love finding good patterns and things like that! I was sooo excited when my boyfriend nudged me in the side and said 'Look there!'. I was all smiles! Even tho he complains about all my yarn and thread, he still helps me look for stuff like that at yard sales! He even paid for my stuff today!


Hope everyone out there can find a great deal this summer at sales!



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Lucky... I wish I could find some thing like that. I went to a indoor sale about a month ago. I think the family was disposing of someone's estate. The living room was full of Yarn I'm not saying a little yarn, the room was maybe 20ft x 15ft !! Along one wall was lots of patterns, But.... Total trama, The patterns were way to much money. I tried bargin but they wouldn't give. When I got there it was after noon so you think they would give a little. That's not the bad part, the people who were running it had left a tomcat indoors for who knows how long. Lets just say it smelled like a Giant Litterbox.:yuck I tried to tough it out but by the time I left my eyes were watering . I have 2 cats so I'm used to changing their box. It made me want to cry. It tells me that they just didn't care about the cat (poor thing) and who ever used to own those things. P.s. all the yarn was $1 a skein. :(

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lol, gotta luv the smell of tomcats

i was recently given a whole bunch of yarn (by bunch i mean 4 HUGE black trashbags full.. most of it being single skeins of yarn from (guessing now) the 50's to the 70's.. Have absolutely no idea what to do with all of it...

lol, guess my stash grew by a 100 pounds or so today.. more to come (gah!!!) in the next week or so..

will try and post a pic or 2 for ya guys/gals to see soon

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There's a used book swap store near me. I go every couple of months and clean them out of crochet stuff. I have gotten pattern books for as little as ten cents. I get a head rush just thinking about it. :loco

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Congratulations on your find! Just yesterday, my mother-in-law gave me two huge boxes of yarn she bought at a garage sale last week for a grand total of $10. It looks like most of it is from the 60s-70s. The colors are a little dated, but fun for scrappy projects. A lot was acrylic, but one box was full of hanks of wool. Great stuff, but much of it is the most putrid shade of mustard yellow I've ever seen. What does one do with approximately 20 hanks of mustard yellow wool, I wonder? Any ideas?

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Ok, as you can tell from my # of posts that I am a newbie here at the 'Ville, so I've been surfing around looking at the different threads and posts and such and I stumbled across this thread.


I never even thought about checking out yard sales and used book stores for crochet stuff!!!!!! How cool is that!!!


Thanks so much for the ideas!!!!:clap Oh, my husband is going to love it that I know need to go check these places out!!!!!!:P


I keep posting what a neat place this is and each time I log on I find out something new!!!



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I love yard sales, too. I once found a bunch of kn*tt*ng needles and yarn at one, but at the time didn't have enough money to buy a lot. I was able to get some, though. I've found some crochet magazines at yard sales, too. I'm jealous over all your good finds everyone! :) I just need to go to more yard sales, I guess....



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Yard Sales are the coolest thing. Thats something I miss about not having my mom around. She passed away last month due to cancer and going to yard sales now are actually depressing for me, but I was totally excited about my find. That one pattern in the book I wanted to try, I started 4 times. Its either me or the pattern or both, but I just never could get it to come out right for the first 4 rows. The # of stitches just didnt add up. But I started on another one and so far so good!! *keeping my fingers crossed*



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