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Smoke Smell

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:blush It's a little hard for me to ask this. I used to be a smoker, I was finally able to kick the habit, But.... I'm sure all of my yarn has the smoke smell. I still make things for myself and others. I'm just worried about the smell when giving to non smokers, baby gifts or charity. My friends smoke so they probably don't smell it, but I'm sure it's still there. I can't really tell but I smoked for 10 years so my sense of smell is shot. I use softener when I wash things but it will wear off some time. Any help would be great.
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I think the smell will wash out eventually. How long has it been since you quit? You mean the smell is still in the yarn? Maybe you could wash the item before you give it to the recipient and then they could wash it, and the smell would go away eventually. I've done that with things I've gotten that smelled like smoke and it worked. I guess it depends.... Sorry I wasn't much help was I? :lol



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I usually wash things before I give them away just to make them softer, plus it gets rid of that synthetic store smell. Sometimes I'll roll an unused fabric softener sheet in the blanket and keep it in my "gift closet." If you still smell the smoke, wash it in cold water on the gentlest cycle you have and add some vinegar to the dispenser. It usually neutralizes odors. I learned that years ago when my husband would come home from a hunting trip with really funky clothes! Hope that helps.

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febrez works real well. It got rid of the stench in my son's room so a smoke smell should be easy. Fabric sheets for storage are a great idea but be careful near baby items because of allergies. I like to simply put a box of baby soap in the linen closet the way you put baking soda in the fridge.

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SPEAKING of baking soda..... :D


Try washing it with a little baking soda. It works WONDERS for bad smells. I once bought a used refrigerator for my "new" house (okay, so it was like over 100 years old... but it was new to us! :lol) and that thing absolutely REEKED. I washed it out just ONCE with baking soda and dishwashing liquid, and the smell was GONE.


So depending on what the item is, I'd say wash it with either regular detergent or maybe baby detergent if it's a baby item (but I have to admit, I never used baby detergent for my own kids), and add about 1/2 cup - 1 cup of baking soda to it, and you'd be AMAZED at how good it'll smell when it comes out.



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I wash mine and use febrez or other fabric freshener spray. I figure this is as good as I can get. Plus with my dogs, after I wash the items I put it in my car (no smoking car and no pets--so far no pets) or trunk of my car so it stays fresh. Did that with a sweater I wear at work when it gets cold and it still smells nice (well okay after wearing it).


Some people will wash the items anyway before using or won't care. Hopefully.


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:manyheart Thank you all so much. I just hated to ask but it's better than giving a smelly gift. I think I'll try all of these. It's been 6 months since I've had a cigarette and 2 months since my hubby has had one. He smoked for 15 years. Just some questions tho, how much vinegar per load and did you mean rinse or wash cycle? Sould I Febrez before and after? For the Baking Soda is it a 1/2 cup for a full washer or small load? I used to put softener sheets in my trash cans, is it safe to leave it in contact with the fabric for long periods of time, and if it is should I wash it again right before I give it away to wash off any residue? Thanx for all of your help.
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Not sure on the measurements of the vinegar but when I smoked (3 years ago) I use to toss in about 1/2 cup once the water was filled. I would let it sit for about 5 minutes then toss in the detergant and fabric softern ball. Once it was done I ran it through an entire cycle with nothing but water, just to ensure that I had rinsed everything out.

I do know that when you use cloth diapers, you either wash them in vinegar water to remove smells/stains or dry them in the sun. The sun also has an amazing ability to remove smells. But it might fade the yarn if let out to long.

So vinegar and baby stuff go hand in hand pretty well.

Oh and its awesome to use vinegar on smelly parts of the body. Feet, bad breath, underarms, and yes even hoo-hoos :) It also removes stains left by breastmilk! heheh

Hope that helps!

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If you need a test nose, find a militant non-smoker... I can smell the stuff from miles away. LOL!


My mom smokes, and I grew up in that environment... these days I wonder what I smelled like to my classmates every day, because I couldn't smell it. Now we have to wash the entire contents of our suitcase when we go home to visit her house, because even stuff we haven't worn completely reeks. :( I don't notice it while we're there, because that's what "home" smells like, but as soon as we leave, I feel like I have been in a smoky bar for a week. Bleh.


Febreze does help... but would you believe I can't stand the smell of THAT, either? LOL! If you use Febreze, be sure to let it air out fully before packing up any gifts... despite those commercials, not everyone loves the smell. :lol

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With the vinegar, use it in place of your fabric softener. If you have a fabric softener dispenser, then just fill that to whatever level is appropriate and run your washer. If you don't then pour 1/2 cup in the final rinse cycle.


With the baking soda, 1/2 cup in a regular sized load should be enough. CAUTION: best not to mix the baking soda and vinegar in the same load, since the can have a reaction to each other. If you want to do both, run the load complete with baking soda and then do an extra rinse cycle with the vinegar.


If you have a place that you generally keep pre-made gifts, I would stick a box of baking soda in there with the gifts to keep absorbing any odors & extra moisture (like in a big rubbermaid tote or closet).


Personally I would skip the dryer sheets and febreeze, as those fragrances can set off a migraine for me or my asthma, and you want to be careful giving fragranced gifts unless you are sure of the recipient. As pretty as all those products smell, they can be a real trial for some people. Whenever I get anything that is heavily fragranced (usually by dryer sheets in the box), I have to have my husband put it in the bonus room or outside (depending on the weather) for a day or two to air out before I can have it in the house so that it doesn't trigger a migraine. I am not troubled by the fragrance in dryer sheets usually when I use them in my laundry, but when they are concentrated in shipped packages it is alot more intense.

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Thank You, Thank You :) . I know what you mean about the smelly stuff. After being outside for awhile when I go back inside I smell it, kinda like a stale ashtray. We had the carpets cleaned and I washed all of the walls. Most likely we will paint them too. I cleaned some of the furniture but not all yet. I've had the windows open as much as I can, but it's been in the 80's and 90's here so.... You all are great for helping me out, I was a little embarrased about it but now I feel better.

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Febreez hon....I swear by it, and I sell things on ebay. Out of over 400 feedbacks, only 2 mentioned smoke, and I promptly made good. The generic of Febreez works just as well.


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Thank you all for your kindness. I washed some of my hubbies old t-shirts using all of the methods given, Figured I try them out on those first. I took them to my mom and while the men folk were putting a new roof on my parents house I had her smell them, she said she couldn't smell the smoke. She even had me write down what I did, because my dad works in a Iron foundry and his uniforms stink. I am greatfull for all of your sugestions and help.:ghug

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Hubby and I smoke (I know don't say it....we ARE seriously thinking of quiting:blush ), and when I get ready to give something to someone that I made I wash it AND febreeze it. So far I haven't had any complaints.:hook

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Good for you, Darncat, on quitting!


I have never smoked but have several friends who have quit and I've seen how difficult it can be. (And, Unipeg, I won't say anything except "congratulations" once you've kicked the habit, too!)


One last idea, that I haven't seen here ... a charcoal briquette or two (plain kind, not the match-light ones) tossed in a closed storage bin with yarn, etc., can absorb odors.



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Good for you, Darncat, on quitting!


I have never smoked but have several friends who have quit and I've seen how difficult it can be. (And, Unipeg, I won't say anything except "congratulations" once you've kicked the habit, too!)


One last idea, that I haven't seen here ... a charcoal briquette or two (plain kind, not the match-light ones) tossed in a closed storage bin with yarn, etc., can absorb odors.





That's a great idea MomToLabs, I hadn't thought of a charcoal briquette either. I'm a Mom to a Lab too:D

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Thanx for the props. I really wanted to quit so I went to the doctor and got a perscription, that way I wouldn't be such a bear to everyone. I just knew I was gunna kill someone without the drugs, LOL, Just Kidding. When my hubby saw how well it worked for me he went for it too. Charcoal, great idea, that way I won't have to smell it while working with the yarn, And ooo I think I'll throw some in my holiday decorations too. Humm where else to toss one?:think And in my closet, OMG it's so stale I hope it works in there. Thanx alot I'm adding that to my shopping list right now. ;)

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I use kitty litter in an open container to stop odors. I made giant sachets out of sheer fabric and have simply laid it on the floor in the closet where I store some of my yarn. Kitty litter took away the smell in our basement after water mishap with our washing machine. When using charcoal, it must be real charcoal, not the formed briquets. to stop odors in plastic wear (bins) or even travel mugs and food storage containers put in some white crumpled paper towel. I don't know why the white kind works but it does. Brown paper towel just doesn't seem to do the job as well.

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LOL, I would try the litter but.. I have two :cat :cat very spoiled and snoopy cats. I wouldn't like them to find litter outside of their box and... you know. :D

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I am a smoker and a pet owner. Most of my family are non smokers but love what I make for them. I keep my yarns in a closed room where there is no smoking and no pets. I keep my finished projects in another room that the door is closed inserting fabric sheets into each finished project. Before giving them away I sometimes use the febreeze, this is a great product for smokers and pet owners alike

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I used to hang my sheets. towels, bedding things like that outside. You know save a little money, line dry stuff and the fresh smell. Untill... last year :angry Someone I wish I knew who, stole two pillowcases that I had cross sitched flowers on. :cry They weren't worth much money but I was so proud of them. We live in a Mobile home court, all of the trailers are bunched up so people can see what you have as soon as you get it in or out. But my hubby and I are working on getting out sometime maybe next year. I miss my clothes line.

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Put 1/2 cup vinegar in your rinse water. Works great. I smoked for 43 yrs. (my smeeler is still good). Noone ever said a word about anything smelling of smoke & believe me , my Mom would definitely say something if she smelled smoke......................P.S. I quit 3 yrs. ago.

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