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CROCHET! - Inernational Subscriptions Available


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Just got my email newsletter "Talking Crochet with Carol Alexander" and it mentioned that Crochet! Magazine is now available for International Subscriptions. I noticed that a lot of Crochetville members in other countries mention that they cannot get crochet magazines in their countries, so thought I would pass this along.


Below I have copied the portion of the newsletter with the information.


"International subscribers: We have had so many requests from crocheters all over the world asking how they can get Crochet! magazine. For subscribers outside the United States and Canada, the cost for a one-year subscription (six issues, plus a FREE seventh issue for subscribing) is $29.97 in U.S. funds only, payable with either a bank money order or credit card. Money-order subscriptions should be mailed to Crochet!, 23 Old Pecan Road, Big Sandy, TX 75755-9893, USA.


To pay by credit card, you would need to call 1-903-636-4040 (or have a friend in the U.S. call for you). Once payment is received, your subscription will be processed. Issues are sent via the U.S. Postal Service at standard international periodical rates, and you should allow up to eight weeks to receive the first issue.


Also, don't hesitate to let your local newsstands know that you want them to carry Crochet! magazine. We do have international newsstand distributors, and enough requests just might bring the magazine to where you live! Another possibility we're looking into at this time is making it easy for our international readers to subscribe by credit card via the Crochet!magazine Web site, so stay tuned for an update on that!"

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Wow! Thanks for the info.....I live in Morocco, and I got a subscription to that magazine about 8 weeks ago. It wasn't available for overseas subscriptions then....so I am having the first year mailed to my sister's house, and then I will pick 'em up when I visit the States....but now I will see if I can get the subscription changed by sending an additional payment...if they can't help me out this year, atleast next year' s editions will come to my door!!!!:cheer

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