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Yeah, I'll just whip one up!

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I'm guilty for at least one ocassion that I can think of.


It was Christmas Eve either when I was in grade 12 or my first year of college. I'd made up this BIG bed doll named "Peach Blossom" which was larger than any I'd made up to that point. I'd decided to make her for mom who had taken a shine to the pattern. So dolly dear is nearly done. All I've got to do is crochet something like 40 flowers, sew them on, cut some ribbon, knot the ribbon around the flowers, and make her little headpiece. Piece of cake, right??


Well long story short, I got to sleep around 4 a.m. or so. My brother helped cut the ribbon cuz I was so tired by that point. Around 10 a.m. my parents are knocking on my door to wake up, and I hear them talking to themselves as they wander down the hall "Well, we knew the day would come when the kids didn't think Christmas was worth getting up for." :eek

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WOW I am so glad to see that I am not alone in doing this! My last one is still in progress. My niece has been pregnant for 9 months & for 5 or 6 of them I was planning to start a layette for her lol! Then got the due date off by a whole month & she is due now! Thank goodness that baby is waiting for me to finish her newborn set. :hook Niece was supposed to be induced last wk & they changed it to this wk, they postponed it again & she still hasn't had the baby. Think she knows I need more time? :lol I finished the little top, am working on the diaper cover. Also adding booties or hat or both if I have time. By the time the baby comes, it might not fit anymore lol (she is being induced because they think the baby is getting pretty big). I am glad I decided to go with a 6 mo size rather than 0-3 months. I didn't have a feeling...just wanted to make sure it was big enough...too big is better than too small.


I also have started many projects on the spur of the moment & think they will whip up in no time.

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I've done this too many times to count! :heehee:rofl But look on the bright side, I think it says something good about us ~~~~~~ we are optimistic!!:cheer

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:lol I know what you meant .:yes we think we are supper women., Ha I have stayed up one night trying to finish a sweater I was crocheting to wear to church the next morning. Did I get through :no I was so tired .I went but I didn't listen to the sermon to good. That was years ago. I remmeber how tired I got.:lol So I don't try that anymore no matter how hard I want to get the project done. :hug I feel you tiredness PINKROSES
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I think I'm totally insane, as far as the crocheting goes, but I have to confess, I don't do that!! But it did make me laugh, especially the use of the two different colors. You could do standup.

Ha ha! I'll perform an all crochet humor set. I'll call my one woman show "In Stitches". Amazingly, my husband rarely thinks the things that crack me up on this board are so funny. He seems to have a good sense of humor, so I'm writing it up to non-crafters not always getting it! :U

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:yes Yep...I'm so with all of you!


On our trip a couple of weeks ago...I took an entire big bag of yarn for projects I wanted to do while travelling....


Suffice to say, only a couple of dish cloths got completed and 2 other projects are now WIP.


PLUS while travelling I bought MORE yarn! So I ended up coming home with more yarn than I origially took to work with....





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  • 2 weeks later...

There is no cure for this form of self-delusion. Not only do I always underestimate the time required, I make things worse for myself by telling the prospective recipient "I'll have this ready for your birthday(which is tomorrow), or your wedding (which is this evening)," and similar impossible promises, and crippling my hands trying to keep my word.

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My latest one is, sure I can find time to make baby blankets for my Aunt's two little (beautiful, adorable, perfect) girls she's adopting, and make one for my little one due the beginning of september and one for my best friend who's wife is due three weeks after me, all before the baby comes. I'm about half way through the first blanket. I'm a month out from my due date. Yeah, that's gonna happen.




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Oooooh ya. The most recent that comes to mind is Easter, when I couldn't find a bolero for my daughter and decided to make one at 8 pm on Easter Eve. I figured it would be pretty darn easy to whip up a rectangle using ww, a 6.5mm hook, and the V-stitch. Ha! I got halfway done and figured she could just wear a jacket. LoL

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Yes, I do that quite frequently. :lol I also have mental conversations with myself quite frequently. Sometimes I'm the best person to have a conversation with!

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