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Yeah, I'll just whip one up!

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You would think I have been crocheting long enough to know... you don't just whip up a new project!


And yet this past weekend I fell into the trap again. "Gee, it's Friday afternoon and I'm going kayaking in the AM. I know! I'll just whip up a bag to take all my stuff in! It won't take long; it's mainly ch5 spaces! Gee, what a great idea!"


"Hey, you know what would be so much better than using a thick ole kitchen cotton and a big ole G hook? Use thread! And a small hook! The bag won't be as bulky! It will dry out quickly!"


"Wow, what a great idea. But I don't want to get crazy... let's do two strands of thread together with a D hook. But it sure needs a pretty bottom. Let's experiment a little..."


"Hey, that's nice looking! Make sure to make it big enough! We want to use this for tub toys afterwards."


"OK, it's nearly midnight, but that's ok because I am on the 2nd round of the bag itself. It's going to fly now, right? Right? Rii... oh, I've done it again."


(Note here: I'm pretty sure I'm not schizophrenic, but feel free to reassure me that I'm not the only one with mental conversations with myself. :blush)


This isn't the first time I've done something like this, and much as I would love to believe it is the last time, let's face it - it's not the last time I'll do this, either.


My husband still jokes about the time I decided to make an entire afghan in one evening while watching a single movie (how long could it take? I'm using a Q hook! And three strands! :no ).


Anyone have a good experience with the "I'll just whip one up real quick!" moster in their mind? :devil

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The one that comes to mind right at the moment is the four director's chairs I'm crocheting new seats and backs for...easy enough, and I'm realistic with the time line for the crocheting...but...trying to get the tension right after sewing them on is a bear...I'm stalled on the first chair's seat still...am gonna have to unsew from chair, tighten up again and resew and hope it's tight enough...and when I started this I was thinking, sure a chair a week, no problem...I'll be lucky if these puppies will be done by summer's end...


You're not the only one...


Oh one more, but non crochet related...when I was prepping for my wedding 5 years ago, I got the bright idea that I would make my wedding shoes...bought the book and some day I really do want to make shoes for me, but I quickly surmised that this was gonna take more effort than I realised (at first...because you have to make a mold of your foot and then make a plaster model of your foot...that's the hard part...the rest supposedly is easy...) Well fortunately at a shop across the street from where I live, there were the perfect Cinderella shoes begging me to buy them...for once I was smart and bought them, even though they were EXPENSIVE (they rivaled the cost of the fabric for my wedding dress that I made...) All through the wedding prep I was constantly saying, "I'll just make 'em..." and for 95% of the stuff for my wedding I did make things...but yeah...there were days that I was wondering what was wrong with me...I was addicted...


I totally get where you're coming from.

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Oh Katherine...do I feel your pain LOL...I'm always starting something thinking it will be done in no time....


I tend to put time crunches on myself.....you'd think we'd learn?? lol...


Last one was the afghan I started LAST YEAR that btw is STILL sitting in a untouched pile with my J hook sticking out of it...lol. So much for....oh this will be quick and perfect for my living room....uh huh...it's "perfect" in the wicker basket it sits in LOL





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Why oh why do I insist upon reading these posts at work, while at lunch, with food in my mouth. Laughing, snorting, dribbling, good thing the boss is out. Too funny!


I haven't had a crochet moment like that yet - I think I will print off this post to remind me. But I did have a cross stitch moment. I had approximately a four inch square section left to stitch that was solid stitches. Started at 5:00pm on a Saturday figured I would be done in an hour or so.....at 4:45AM I was finally done. Good, went to bed, got up at 5:15AM to leave on vacation. My darling daddy was going to take the picture to the shop for framing for me on Monday and it had to be done or the framing wouldn't be done in time for a show. It was wall worth it thou, I did get a second place ribbon at that show and a first place ribbon at the county fair.

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Well let's put it this way. The shawl I designed that is supposed to be in the fashion show this Saturday at the Knit and Crochet Show? Still crocheting....more and more frantically as the clock keeps ticking...

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And don't forget the baby blanket (w/matching onesie and booties) for that shower tomorrow morning! After all, they're small . . .


and the pot holders for that bridal shower in the afternoon . . .


LOL - Been there, done that, still there and still do that!

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I convinced myself that I could make a whole layette set in one weekend. Sure. :laughroll Who was I kidding? 2 weeks later I finished it. I always say that next time I have an idea like this, I must be crazy to try it. HA! :loco Of course I do it anyway. :blush

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Been there, done that.


Although in my case, it wasn't so much the thought of "oh, this'll go quickly, it's (fill in the blank)", it was more a case of I didn't THINK of it 'till the last minute.


Either way, the end result is the same. ;)

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Now I have proof that I am not the only one that does this-- I'll have to show this to my hubby!!! Now he'll know I am not the only crazy crafter around!!! I think those ideas that go through our heads like that really is what makes us creative and gives us the drive to keep on creating! Hmmm. I should put that on a T-shirt and sell it!

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my worst habit is if i make a gift deciding at the LAST MINUTE it isnt right or i dont like it enough and either frogging and redoing or making something new.


atleast when i make something new if i dont finish in time i still have something to give. i feel all of your insanities, you are not alone

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OH can I relate...on a 3 hour car ride to a wedding, I crocheted a wrap to match my dress, my husband was like "cutting it alittle close honey?" But I did the P hook with chunky yarn, so I'm like "hey, no big deal, whip one up!!" I was weaving in the ends as we pulled up to the church.

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Oh, I have so been there and I have completely done that!


I have a terrible habit of thinking "I'll just whip that up". I am chronic and it doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon...:rofl. It is a good-bad kind of relationship :goodorbad. It is good I can make it, and bad that it is always in the 11th hour when I finish it. :devil

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Now I have proof that I am not the only one that does this-- I'll have to show this to my hubby!!! Now he'll know I am not the only crazy crafter around!!! I think those ideas that go through our heads like that really is what makes us creative and gives us the drive to keep on creating! Hmmm. I should put that on a T-shirt and sell it!


I read this thread to my husband when it first opened...he laughed. When I was prepping for our wedding he was watching me layout photos and such for our memory board and he started chuckling...I thought he was laughing AT me and thinking what I was doing was silly...I spun around and demanded to know why he was laughing at me...he was like, "no, no, this is wonderful...I just want to know where do you come up with all these ideas, they are great!" and I told him quite frankly that it's a curse...I have so many ideas all the time that wake me up at 3:00 a.m. and drive me nuts if I let it. I could understand now why some genius go mad (not saying I'm a genius necessarily) they have all these ideas they can't keep up with...

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I nearly gave myself a permanently disfigured claw-hand while making an afghan for my sister's baby shower. "Oh, I can make 2 squares a day, and it'll be done in time for the shower." Yeah! Right!! 2 squares a day became one square a day on some days because, did I mention, I was also PLANNING the shower!!! The last few days before the shower, I was crocheting like a mad woman, making up to four squares a day of a very complicated square. The joining process wasn't pretty, either. I nearly gave myself a nervous breakdown, I tell ya! And sleep? Ha! Sleep is for wimps!!


(And did I tell you that this was my second crochet project EVER?)


And yes. I've done it since. We're pathological, aren't we?

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and for 95% of the stuff for my wedding I did make things...but yeah...there were days that I was wondering what was wrong with me...I was addicted...


I totally get where you're coming from.



I for one would love to see pics of stuff you made for your wedding!! May we???

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Here is a link to some pictures of what all I did for my wedding five years ago.




I made


*the dress,

*the half slip with crocheted hem,

*my crocheted garter

*my invites

*my program

*my table center pieces

*my little Kitten Chronicles which were folded cards with a kitty on the front and a little story of one of 12 of our adventures over here in Europe...

*The sheet for the cutting of the sheet (which is something some Germans do over here when they get married. I think it's regional...but tends to be more popular and traditional is cutting of a log...but the point of the exercise is a "labor of love...")


Not shown is the memory board and coloring books I did for some of the kids and the favor bags, which were made out of the remants from my wedding dress and which held a small butterfly bottle of buddles which no one used, a deustch mark because come 3 months later we'd be converting to the Euro, a Merci chocolate...brand name of a candy over here in Europe and a hand written and embossed note with a thank you so much for coming message.


And I'm sure I'm missing something...


One thing just led to another...



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