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Does it ever end?!?!

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I tell you what...I sent out a post a few days ago talking about how frustrated I was that I started on this HUGE (not to mention expensive) afghan for me and my husband and how I put it down for MONTHS because I got sick of feeling like I'd worked my tush off and made no progress. And I recieved quite a few responses from all you wonderful people and it made me want to pick up my blanket and crochet the day away...now only to find THAT I LOST MY HOOKS!! I'm so utterly depressed now...I know I know "Just go buy more hooks Em"...tell that to the other 7 mouths in my house...


Sorry...I just needed to vent to someone who would understand. I went from never wanting to crochet again to severe crochet withdrawal. Does it ever get better?

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InStitches, check between the cushions of your couch. If the hooks aren't there you'll probably find enough change to pick up a hook from the lys.


Alternatively, take a metal hanger and make your own hook, just to get rid of some of the withdrawal. Depending on the hanger, the resulting hook will maybe be an F- or an E-size (American sizing).


And yes it will get better. I promise. :hug

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Things will get better.....keep a positive outlook and don't get frustrated! Just casually look around where all your crochet stuff and stash is....and I'm sure that you will find a hook somewhere. You could even look in your car/van, if you ever crochet while riding as a passenger....maybe they are under the seats or something. I've lost many a hook...and found them in the most unusual of places. Chin up sweetie.....you'll find those hooks, and if not, a trip to the craft store will do you wonders! Best wishes,

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I understand your frustration. Sometimes it feels like you will be stuck in this rut forever. My hubby and I were in a 1 bedroom attic apt with our 6 yo dd. I would cry at night for fear that we would always be stuck there. Sometimes it felt like forever. I'm happy to say that we finally moved at the beg. of this month into a 2 bedroom house. I know it sounds silly but there really is light at the end of the tunnel. It's nice to be able to come here and vent and not worry about what your loved ones think. Vent on girl!! We all need to once in a while. I hope that it gets better for you soon. I'm thinking of you :hug

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My dear Em, (one of my daughter's name is Emily. I call her Em for short) What size hook do you need? I usually have doubles or triples of each hook, and I have been a threadie for MANY years now, so I do not pick up yarn much anymore. I think I could "spare" one :yes! PM me, okay?

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I have to say that I do SO much love my friends here at the Ville! You all know just what to say it seems! Thanks for everything! Especially listening to my rambling and helping me feel better!

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I spent most of the 30 + years since I learned how to crochet going through serious spurts of insane non stop crocheting until I got burnt out and then not touch a hook for 2 or 3 years at a stretch and then the insanity would start all over again....and I was seriously rebellious about not using other people's patterns...but in the last two years since it was pointed out to me all the free patterns on the internet and the increasing popularity of the craft, I stopped being rebellious and have been addicted like never before. There are days I don't pick up a hook and other days that my head is swimming because there's so many things I want to make. Variety for me has been key...


Does it get any better? A few years ago I would have said no...but in my opinion now, especially after these last two years, yeah, it gets better. I'm sorry you can't find your hooks. When I can't find something I invoke St. Anthony to help me...most of the time I find what I'm looking for...


Good luck...

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Try looking for something totally different and unrelated. That's usually when I find 'the thing I was looking for a couple of days ago', while looking for something totally unrelated... :P I hope you find your hooks! :hug



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It IS very frustrating to lose a hook. You might forget what size it was, or you think the gauge might change with a replacement hook. But with the help and encouragement of kind and generous people here at Crochetville, I'm sure you can get that afghan finished!:cheer I would love to see a picture of it when you are done.


I wonder how many hooks exist among all the 'ville members... I alone have something like 25, and I've only been crocheting for a few months :lol

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The kindness and generousity of everyone in Crochetville just amazes me more and more everytime I read a post. Keep up the good work and thanks for having me in - it has caused me to be even more kinder and generouser (mad up word I think) then I usually am.


Em - keep looking you will find them. I found mine once after about a week of searching - still don't know how they got where I found them. You will enjoy your crocheting again real soon.

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GOOD NEWS!! Apparently I'm SO very new to this game that I didn't realize you could buy hooks in singles...ha ha ha I thought I'd have to buy a whole new set...oops. Thank goodness my loving husband took me to the craft store!!

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I have triples of hooks, I dont know why but for some reason people are always giving me crochet & knit stuff. So if you need hooks please pm me and I will send you some.

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