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Please tell me I'm not the only one!?

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Ok, so I'm getting frustrated. Am I the only one who can't have more than one project going at a time? It seems every person on here can work on multiple projects...what's wrong with me? I have been working on the same thing for MONTHS and I can remember the last time I picked it up. I feel like I'm working my tush off and making very little progress. Can anyone help me learn how to stop getting so discouraged :( and just putting my project away indefinately!?! HELP PLEASE!!! :eek

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I try to work on one project at a time but if it takes too long I have to start something smaller that I can finishes quickly. This helps to keep me inspired. Don't give up. Do a dishcloth or something small then pick up the other project for a while. You may have to do this several times but you will finish your main project before you know it.

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i am a multiprojector mostly because i get bored and when i have a large or intricate object i am working on i like to toss in a little baby sweater or scarf or something that works up quick so i dont get too discouraged. goodluck with whichever works for you!

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I try to focus on one project at a time too. Mostly because I'm afraid my tension may change if I take too long working on a given large project like an afghan. I have one afghan that I had the tension change and I didn't notice until it was all done and I tried to fold it up. While not world-shattering, I want to avoid it happening again.

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I LOVE to say that you're not the only one, but I couldnt imagine working on one project at a time. I would be as frustrated as you sound and would have probably put the needles down just as fast as I picked them up.


Maybe it would help if you did a quick fix like a scarf or something and then moved back to your original project.:think

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I can understand wanting to be organized and efficient and complete one project before starting the next and I USED to be that way... but...


I found myself getting frustrated at times, especially with a particularly large or involved project, and because I had set this "rule" that I must finish one before starting the next I would end up just not working on anything, or resenting the time I spent working on whatever "it" was.


Then suddenly it dawned on me: I am doing this for FUN! This is a hobby! It should not frustrate me. I can 'color outside the lines' if I want to. So if I was working on a large afghan with repetative *yawn* stitches and I saw a pretty scarf I wanted to try, I'd go for it. That didn't mean the afghan got packed away - I would work on the scarf and then tell the afghan, "Okay. Your turn." And work on that for a bit.


I can now proudly say that I have no less than ten projects going in various stages of done-ness. I have my project I keep in my car to work on during my lunch hour, I have my Butterfly Shawl CAL that is actually over 20 motifs so I can get one done and feel a sense of accomplishment... and many others going, too!


Just try it! Something little... you'll love that sense of accomplishment and getting back to the big project won't seem such a chore!

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I work on more than one project at a time because I can get bored. Currently, I am making a mesh square/rectangle that my daughter may wear as a belt sash out of Plymouth 24k. But the endless chain 5s are getting to me, so I've decided to make up a few doilies that I hope to donate to a ministry that our church is involved with.


Can't have too many projects going at one time. :)

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Yep, I work on multiple projects at once to keep me motivated. Working on the same project ALL the time is ANNOYING! Your heart is in the right place, but your method is backwards. Throw something in there to break that monotony and you'll see how much better you feel about your long-lasting project!

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I have had a rule since I started crocheting that I can't start a new project until the one I'm on is finished. It just drives me buggy. I kept that rule for all these years until I started making myself an afghan and it seems like everyone I know is either getting married or having a baby! I just started a Wedding Ring afghan that I have to have finished by next Saturday because the baby afghan I was making for a baby shower just got finished yesterday a half hour before the shower started. I have 2 babyshowers and 2 weddings next month. So, MY beautiful afghan probably won't be finished until September.

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When I picked up crocheting again about two years ago, I made a rule that I could buy the yarn, hooks, pattern for one project. When I was half way done with that project, I could start looking for the next project pattern and buy yarn, etc on sale.


Well, I gave up on that as I was bored with working on one thing. :clap Unfortunately, that has lead to I know have a "stash". I have so much stuff, that I joined the RAOK #5 and the Holidays In July, just so I could get rid of some stuff to others that need it.


My stash is overtaking my house. I have patterns out the ying yang and multiple hooks of the same size and yarn yarn yarn yarn yarn. I just went to JoAnn's today and bought One Pounders - 10 of them! All for an afghan that I found the pattern for while searching for a pattern to RAOK. This then lead to I have to start this project NOW. Doesn't matter that I have other things started or house work or maybe a dog that doesn't know what a leash is any more, it had to be started NOW. It also doesn't matter that I already have yarn purchased for two other afghans that haven't been started - and one of those adghans had the yarn purchased for it just two weeks ago.

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My stash is overtaking my house. I have patterns out the ying yang and multiple hooks of the same size and yarn yarn yarn yarn yarn. I just went to JoAnn's today and bought One Pounders - 10 of them! All for an afghan that I found the pattern for while searching for a pattern to RAOK. This then lead to I have to start this project NOW. Doesn't matter that I have other things started or house work or maybe a dog that doesn't know what a leash is any more, it had to be started NOW. It also doesn't matter that I already have yarn purchased for two other afghans that haven't been started - and one of those adghans had the yarn purchased for it just two weeks ago.


I could have written this!!!!!!:yes :yes

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You are definitely not alone. I have 3 or 4 projects in various stages of done-ness. Now that the weather is hot, I have started working with cotton yarn, making small items that are easy to take along to the pool. I've just finished an afghan, that I put away for a few weeks while I battled a poison ivy rash on my arms. I have a baby afghan about 1/3 done and just packed up a bunch of yarn to take with me on vacation. Countless hours to crochet..... lucky lucky me.:cheer

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Briana - you could send the whole kit and kaboodle for that unstarted afghan (pattern, yarn, etc) to me and I'd do it for you. Then send it back. I'm addicted - I love the making.....




Oooohhhh so tempting.... but, I couldn't saddle you with this afghan, you see, it is a very complicated one, all in black and 47 different stitches per row, then you change to a different shade of black about every 10th different stich. The instructions are written in alien and you have to use four different size hooks at the same time. The yarn can only be found on that fugly thread and then you have to dye it with permanent black ink after you kill it first. There are no pictures of any of the alien stitches, making it more complicated and it just goes on and on.


But seriously :think thanks for the offer, but I will prevail some day and get them all done. Fall and winter in Ohio is coming up, so that will leave more time (I hope) for crocheting and fun stuff - this working full time is just not right. Where or where is that lottery or slot machine big win so I can retire!:lol I did see the snowflake afghan crochet along and am very tempted, but I haven't ventured into the crochet alongs yet.

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Oooohhhh so tempting.... but, I couldn't saddle you with this afghan, you see, it is a very complicated one, all in black and 47 different stitches per row, then you change to a different shade of black about every 10th different stich. The instructions are written in alien and you have to use four different size hooks at the same time. The yarn can only be found on that fugly thread and then you have to dye it with permanent black ink after you kill it first. There are no pictures of any of the alien stitches, making it more complicated and it just goes on and on.


But seriously :think thanks for the offer, but I will prevail some day and get them all done. Fall and winter in Ohio is coming up, so that will leave more time (I hope) for crocheting and fun stuff - this working full time is just not right. Where or where is that lottery or slot machine big win so I can retire!:lol I did see the snowflake afghan crochet along and am very tempted, but I haven't ventured into the crochet alongs yet.


:rofl :rofl OMG! You are so funny! Are you related to Paulette????

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While Krystals Idea might not work for that project...its definitely not a bad way to tackle UFOs in crochetville? While my skills are still young and need nurturing, I wouldn't nominate myself for this at this time, but when I get better at crochet...I WILL seek out the UFO swap!:interest

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Shelly, you might be onto something....the "UFO Swap" or the "UFO Round Robin" - where everyone ships out a UFO to the next person in line, then after a couple weeks, they ship it to the next person, and all the UFOs keep going round the robin until they're done and sent back to the owner.


Neat idea.......

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OH PLEASE don't give me credit...it was YOUR idea...and if you gave ME your UFO it would surely come out like it was made by a 3rd grader!


I really hope somebody starts like a UFO swap though...its a GREAT idea! even if it was an accidental idea!:clap

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I have several projects going at once. I just get bored working on one thing all the time . I love to crochet and knit , sew and quilt. So, something is in progress all the time. PINKROSES

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