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Peace and Harmony

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Now that I have your attention, I have something to say.


I want to commend and applaud:applause everyone on Crochetville, be you admin, moderator or villager, for making this the greatest crochet site (in my opinion) on the web.


First I want to say how nice it is to have Peace and Harmony back on the site. Everyone is willing to help each other and give encouragement when needed.


Second the wish list. I have (no spread sheet here), been making a list, for myself, of all those on the wish list and a second list of those who have not received RAOK’s. I must say that I am proud and happy to see, that almost everyone on the list has gotten something.:mail Be it a post card; box of goodies or just an e-mail or e-card saying Hi Have A Nice Day. It just shows what a generous and thoughtful group you all are. It shows the love for your craft you have and how you want to share it.


This is a group of people from all over the world, who have come to share their craft and insight on many things. It is done with humor,:rofl stories :blah and even a shoulder to cry :cry on when needed.


So Ladies and Gentlemen, give yourselves a big pat on the back, a round of applause:applause and a very big hug.:ghug You all deserve it.


May your day be filled with love:manyheart , laughter :lol and lots and lots of yarn.:yarn

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RAOK means Random Act of Kindness.

This means that for no reason whatso ever, except to do something nice.

You send someone something. It can be a post card, an e-mail, an e-card, some yarn, or even something you made. In other words anything you think someone might like. Just to say Hi have a nice day and you matter.:hook

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Thank you for the warm fuzzies your post just gave me!!! :cheer Just what I needed to end a perfectly horrible day at work! Thanks Doll! :hug

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Wow, I just got goosebumps from reading that beautiful beautiful post. It is truly heartwarming when someone makes you feel special and appreciated. With everyone's busy lives.....to take time out for a cheery hello or a friendly compliment.....that just makes my day! Tampa....you just made my day too! Thanks! :cheer :cheer :D:cheer :cheer

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That's a lovely and timely sentiment, Mary Jo. It seems that life is back to normal at Crochetville and while my wrist is STILL in a splint (3 1/2 months now) I have been enjoying the interaction here with all the nice people in this community. We've gained so many new members now that it is difficult to get to know everyone! I especially enjoy meeting the folks from other countries and admire the courage it takes to post in English. Thanks for reminding us all of how lucky we are to have such a great venue for our creativity!:hug

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Wonderful sentaments Mary Jo! And I gree with TheWorm....I think you have just RAOKed the entire Ville......:hug !! Thanks for expressing it so well! I LOVE :bheart Crochetville, and I hope it will be a part of my life forever....

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Beautiful Mary Jo. It brings some of us great pleasure to give something away. I love RAOKing I do it as often as funds allow me. and I get so much joy seeing when others get something!!! Makes ya wanna RAOK right now hummm maybe I will

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Thanks for the comments! It is really nice to hear something positive instead of the negative we usually hear. :cheer Compliments go far:c9 I am fairly new to the site and cant wait to be able to sign on and see what new is posted. I quickly have become addicted and it is great to see all the nice comments and know that I have become involved with great group:manyheart

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