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My biggest fear.

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My biggest fear is not growing old. It's not even dying. My biggest fear is not being able to crochet anymore. I fear getting arthritis and not being able to YO anymore. Vision would not worry me, since I can crochet when I am half asleep anyway :lol . Does anyone else share this fear of mine? Just wondering. :hook

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Arthritis runs in my family, and I do have concerns about developing it as I get older. I love to work with thread, sizes 40 and higher, so if I did get arthritis in my hands, I know I'd have to give that up.


Which is why I am determined now to crochet with fine gauge threads as much as possible.


Maybe I will be lucky and have gotten my genes for my hands from my dad :D!


~ Lori

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I had this exact discussion with an online friend the other day. I have such a huge stash of yarn, and yet I cannot stop buying. I said that I would have enough yarn to knit and crochet for the rest of my life. And then I thought out loud - what a cruel joke on me it would be if my deteriorating eyesight disappeared entirely, or my hands became so crippled that I had to stop. Yes, this is my greatest fear.

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Ditto homeburrough! I'm a threadie too. My dreams have however, turned into nightmares, as for the past (about) 2 years I am finding it extremely difficult and HOT painful to hold my project between my thumb and index finger on my left hand while crocheting. The pain is in my thumb-joint. It almost cripples me sometimes. Oh well...I've had 5 kids...a bit of joint pain can't stop me from doing what I love most (besides my family) :c9

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Actually, it is my fear also. My grandmother had it bad. So her remedy was to take some tylenol, and then crochet away the pain. I hope I can do the same. She was someone I always looked up to.


Somedays, it does hurt when I have crocheted a lot. So I do grandma's remedy. It seems to help.



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I don't know if this suggestion would be at all practical for any of you ladies, but when I did a large amount of cross-stitching, I bought a "glove" which is very helpful for needlework. It is sold in most cross-stitch shops, maybe Michaels or A.C. Moore would have them. I think Jo'Anns had them at one time. The material is a very thin clear latex like material and it relieved my hand tension a lot. I still use it when I crochet at times. My eyes are no longer good enough for close work. Perhaps those who wanted to could check this out for themselves and see if it is even a good suggestion. I used mine an awful lot.

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YES!!! I am so afraid!

I was diagnosed with Degerative Arthritis in my left wrist in January and scheduled for surgery in February. In my x-ray...all the wrist bones and the first three metacarpels are pure white from the DA. The surgeon was going to fuse some of the bones...but he couldn't because the bones were too far deteriorated. So...he had to do a proximal row carpectomy (removed three wrist bones).

I have been in Physical Therapy...3 days a week... since the cast came off in the end of March. It is now believed I have RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) a very nasty condition. I am still in much pain in the wrist...BUT...I refuse to not crochet!!!

But...I know...someday...there will have to be something done. He wants to try to fuse other bones...but if it wasn't able to be done before...


I was told a wrist joint replacement was out of the question...because...I am "too young"!!! I am 54...today. If you need it...you need it!


Maggie :manyheart

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I already have Rheumatoid Arthritis, and have had since I was about 11, luckily for me it is kept pretty well under control by early detection and medication. I still crochet, but I do fear one day I might not be able to. Might as well be dead then I reckon if I can't crochet!!!!

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Arthritis runs in my fam too so yeah I fear getting that aswell because i LOVE crocheting and even knitting...yeah I'd end up being depressed if I couldn't do it anymore:(

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