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Make Your Own Skirt Template on Annie's Attic site

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Until yesterday I had never heard of Noreen Crone-Findlay, the designer of the Butterfly Shawl in the CAL and our new celebrity Crochetville member...


Well, today, she's my idol!


I was looking at today's free Annie's Attic pattern (a doily - not bad) and then I saw off to the side instructions to "Make Your Own Skirt Template" by the very same Noreen!


Here's the link:



I LOVE crocheted skirts and am thrilled to have this info laid out for me! Thanks again, Noreen!

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Isn't it great to have something laid out like that and it makes sense!


I have a difficult to fit body (I would guess a lot of us probably feel that way) I'm kinda chunky around the middle and if I'm lucky I'll come upon a skirt that will fit really nicely in a very flattering way and then I wear it to death! How wonderful to be able to bring it back from the dead and 're-create' it!


And it does look like this idea could be used with other garments!


Very cool!:cheer

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