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What are you making for the Holidays?

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:2snowman :2snowman :2snowman :2snowman :2snowman :2snowman :2snowman :2snowman :2snowman :2snowman


I guess it's time to start holiday crocheting.


My sister is living in Vancover Washington now so a couple of scarves are a must and she is a massage theraipst so I thought that some kerchiefs would be nice and covers for her lotion and oil bottles.


Matching black hats with skulls on them for my brother and sis-in-law, her skull will be sporting a pink bow too. Maybe an afghan for their house.


Not sure about my mom yet could be a village made from thread or an afghan.

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I haven't thought about Christmas yet. I will be working on a couple of Indian Dolls for my table. I also bought the Mimi Painted Doilies book, so I will be making one of those also.

It is to hot here to think about snowmen and such just yet. Maybe after a dip in the pool:rofl

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Ack, don't scare me like that! I barely have time for the projects I'm doing now, I shouldn't be worrying about Christmas! *lol* Although, I always have trouble deciding what to give people, so it would probably save my sanity to start soon... August, that's when I'll start, after I do my craft show and have a new job.

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My sisters are getting felted totes and Christmas tree skirts (1 tote done, but not felted; one skirt started). One sister's birthday is just a few days before Christmas, and she would like 2 doilies for her end tables and larger one for her coffee table, so I may start on these. More likely these will be next year's Christmas gift! Last year everyone got crocheted gifts (scrunchies, place mats, scarves) so I have no idea what to make everyone else this year. Patty

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I have three girlfriends that we always go out to dinner before xmas and exchange gifts. Started out as something we made, but they are not all that crafty. Then it went to something that we found at a discount type store that looks like it cost a fortune. Now we just set a dollar limit and go from there. This year I am making them each a fun fur scarf out of the multi colors. I also hope to make each one an all red scarf that can be used for xmas and into Valentines Day. I have two of those done and a third almost finished - half way there!


Making scarves for everyone in the family and my other friends as well. Different kinds for each one as they all would not like the same kind. I have about six of those done.


My sister-in-law isn't getting anything crocheted as her mother crochets and my s-i-l is not really the crochet type person. Neither is my brother.


My mom is getting a hooded scarf. She saw me making one with the fun fur and loved it, so she already has that one. Then I made another all red one out of a bulky yarn and she is going to get that one also.


I also hope to make small snowman for everyone as something a little extra. My family isn't the type of family that likes a lot of crocheted stuff, so I have to be careful what I make or it gets tossed in a drawer somewhere.


Now my dog, he gets nothing crocheted. His greatest joy in life is to take that nice stuffed toy and get all the stuffing out of it and just play with the left over shell. He is so proud of himself when the living room floor is covered in cotton batting and he is sitting in the middle of it looking at me as if to say "look what I did, isn't is great".


Good luck on all your xmas projects and we all better get going - it will be here before we know it!

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I'm making a crochet hook case like is on my etsy for my MIL along with some stitch markers and some nice yarn...


My mom will getting a knitting needle case like the crochet hook case only bigger... and stitich markers...



If I get my courage up to do the thread bears like Tampa, then everyone will get one...


AND... I am going to make everyone cool stockings in some of the new red heart colors... lime green with hot pink fun fur trim.....hot pink with black fun fur....



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I guess it's time to start holiday crocheting.

Not for me. Not with the temps in the high 90s and the humidity to match. I just want to make summer things for my daughter. If I do anything for Chritsmas, it won't be until fall. I don't always make stuff for the holidays though. :lol

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Hummm....I've been thinking about this for almost a month. I always start my Christmas shopping/crafting in the summer months- it really helps the financial strain in those last few weeks of the year. My parents' birthdays are also in November/December so I need to figure out something for them all.

I found a really cute jacket in So Simple Crochet for my mom- it's totally her style. For my dad and hubby, I will be making sweaters. I've made something for everyone except hubby and he constantly reminds me of that. :blush

My girls will probably get stuffed animals or toys- Isabella loves Care Bears so maybe I'll get that booklet and make her a couple.

I may make something for hubby's aunt, too- she's a knitter and she's always knitting little things for my girls. I know something handmade would be appreciated. As far as MIL goes, though...well, I gave her a Martha poncho for her birthday and, although she squealed with delight over it, I've yet to see her wear it. So I'll stick with purchasing something for her. :devil

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I always start my Christmas shopping/crafting in the summer months- it really helps the financial strain in those last few weeks of the year.

Isn't that the truth! I always start my shopping in July/August, too. I just don't crochet a lot that early because I know I'm not going to make much for gifts.

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I really "cheat" when it comes to Christmas. I work on projects all through January and February when its snowy and cold outside. I also get to take advantage of after Christmas sales. Ironically its also when I feel the most "Christmasy" I don't get to really enjoy the holidays....too many family get-togethers and obligations but after the hustle and bustle is over I really get into the mood. I have a small tree in the den that stays up until the mood has passed.....St. pat's day usually and it certainly keeps me in the mood.....music too. We have sixty-seven kids on our list (if you give to one you give to all of them) so novelties are a must!!!!! Hubby has thirteen sisters but they all get soap (rude comments etc) but I do make things for some of my neighbors and friends....kitchen towels, wash cloths but I usually do those in the fall. I saw a picture of some angels the other day that I've started though I've used baby dolls from the dollar store and have added wings and halos and each of them are holding a star, bought of course half price last January.....I guess I don't need a tree and music after all. Christmas in July.

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A long time ago, I found a pattern for snowflakes made out of yarn instead of thread, and I finally got some white glittery yarn at the dollar store that would be perfect. I made some of them a couple of months ago, and my mom asked me to make her some. My brother isn't big on homemade things, but he does like new ornaments for his Christmas tree, so some of them will be his. Since he'd rather have them on his tree before Christmas, they will be a birthday gift instead.


For the first time this year, I decided to make gifts for my cousin's kids because they always pick out a little $5 present for everyone. For the boy, I'm working on a large tic tac toe board that can be played with on the floor or rolled up when not in use. I don't know what I'll give to his twin sister, but I do have some cute little girl's purses already made up and will probably give her one. There are two other little girls in the family and I might give them something as well.


Hopefully, I will have time to make some other Christmas gifts as well. One of my uncles is mentally challenged, and my grandmother mentioned she thought he could play with one of those large checkerboard sets they sell at the Cracker Barrel. I'm hoping to make him something similiar in colors to match their house so my grandmother will leave it sitting out to play with him. I'm also planning on making her a purse.


Funny we're talking about Christmas because this past week, I just finished painting a bunch of plaster ornaments I bought on clearance in January. I only have 4 more to finish, but I got so sick of seeing red and green that I had to stop.

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I will make more ornaments for all my children..I made them wreaths and snowflakes last year. I think this year will be at least one snowman for each to make them think of me as I have benn collecting snowmen everything for 17 years. I don't know what for the rest of my list yet.

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I have a wrap that I started for my Mom in March... but since it's for Christmas and it's made of Homespun, I will wait until the fall until I pick it up again. In the mean time there are so many birthdays between now and then, I haven't even really begun to plan it yet. At least I got the shopping started :lol

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"Ack, don't scare me like that! I barely have time for the projects I'm doing now, I shouldn't be worrying about Christmas! *lol* "


Aphodon, I'm a virgo so I have to start planing now :lol I have decided that i will limit how much I make this year though. Still suck on mom :think though.

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This is actually the first year that I'm doing the "make everybody in the family something" thing. Because it IS the first year I'm doing this, and because my family not only knows I crochet, but have seen me do it and therefore know the work that goes into it, AND always seems to think that everything I make is sooooooooooooo beautiful (even when I was 7 and just starting out! :lol), I'm pretty positive that they'll all be accepted and used gladly.


Because of this, and because I have such a large family, I HAVE to start now... or god only knows what YEAR I'll have them finished by! :lol :lol

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On darlenedesignz.com there is some cute Christmas novelty patterns. Click on "patterns" than on "Christmas." There are one or two knitted ones but mostly crochet. There is a crochet angel pill bottle, candle potholder, a pretty little tree, etc. I downloaded the candle potholder, it is especially nice. There is also a little wreath mat with hearts around it.

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I've been thinkng about it. I'm making hats & scarves for my kids. I want to make a shawl for my adult step daughter. I'm probably going to make hats & ponchos or scarves for hubby's grand daughters. I have 6 sisters & will probably make something for each one.

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I guess it isn't too early. Hobby Lobby is putting their holiday stuff out already.


I think that I exhausted the wole give everyone scarves/afghans last year. Maybe I'll make slippers!

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i think i'm giving up yule this yr! seriously! i've got no clue what to make for anyone for the holidays. generally my crochet stuff is appreciated, i just feel like it's all been done! maybe original photography this yr

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warm and fuzzy things for my family because we're going to Colorado right after Christmas


They're going to need scarves, mittens, and hats because we don't keep that stuff around where we live. It's pretty common for us to end up wearing shorts on Christmas in Houston.

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