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Very excited!!

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OK, so yesterday I was talking with a very good friend from HS...and somehow she never realized that I crochet...of course we haven't actually seen each other in 3 years might have something to do with it LOL!! But the exciting part....she reminded me of a set of crochet dolls she's always had...told me her grandmother made them for her...and that her gram passed away a few years ago and her mom is cleaning out the house to get ready to sell it...and offered me all of her gram's crochet stuff!! She has to run the idea past her mom first of course, but doesn't think there will be any problem as there are no crochetters in the family and I told her I'd make a list of anything she gives me so that I can return it back to her family if anyone should start crochetting in the future....her only condition was that she wants me to make those crochet dolls for her again so that she has two sets LOL!!!



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OMG! You hit crochet pay dirt! It is like discovering a crohet buried treasure! You are one LUCKY Lady!.....Please post photos for us less lucky ones!

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Great for you!!!Make a set of the dolls just for you as well....Start your own set of heirlooms. I have a Stieff bear that will be returned to the family of a dear friend who said to keep it and love it unless one of her grand kids wants it for something other than to sell it for drug money(her words). For now she is safe. I have a set of bone(ivory?) crochet hooks that are in my care for relativity that same reason. Maybe you should teach your friend to crochet....great way to stay in touch!

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