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Here at Crochetville, RAOK stands for Random Acts of Kindness. We have a special area where people can post "wish lists" of things they'd like to receive. Some things may be small; others may be larger or more expensive, even dream items. Then people who want to do a RAOK can read through those lists and decide to grant as many or as few wishes as they like.


You must reach Villager status (40 posts) before you can access this part of our forum as well as the Swap sections. If you have no clue what I'm talking about, you can read this post for an explanation of the different levels of Crochetville membership and their benefits.

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Thanks for the info. I see at the list of things at the bottom of your signature that you are part of a prayer shawl ministry. I followed the link. Interesting! I have just finished a shawl for my MIL and wanted to put a card or message in it. what does your group send with the shawl? I am finding this a fun thing to do and this site is definitely addicting! thanks!:clap

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