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A priest knew about crochet.

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AT this time of year, we usually get new priests to our church. This year, both associates left and we received two new associates. We never know what kind of personality they will have or if they will adapt well to our large parish.


Well, anyway, I went to our Knitting/Crochet group at the church. Our group is pretty well divided between the two crafts. Our new priest, Father Dennis walks into our group, and asked a little about what our group did. We talked a few minutes and then he asked what everyone was CROCHETING! We showed him our projects and he said that his mother crocheted for years!


I really like this guy. I hope he stays a long time!



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There's probably a post on a knitting board somewhere today complaining that the new priest called her knitting "crocheting":lol


I had a similar experience when I was buying yarn at a non-craft store. When I got to the checkout, the clerk asked if I crochet. It actually took me by surprise. I almost said my usual response, "No, I crochet."


Another time, I was showing my new scarf to a man at work and told him to pet it because it was sooo soft. He touched it and then peered at the stitches and said, "Now, this is crochet, yes?" I was surprised he knew the difference from looking at the stitches.


It's always a nice surprise..


Maybe you can teach the priest a few stitches.

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It is nice and encouraging to see that crochet is beginning to rank up there with Knitting as a recognized craft! I think there is so much more freedom with a hook than with kneedles......allowing for more expressive creations!

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Well, ain't that neat. I take my knitting and crocheting when I go to the doctor's offiice and when I take my Mom out every week , I get a lot of people come up and ask me about what I am doing. PINKROSES

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  • 2 weeks later...

drives me nuts to be asked what i'm knitting....that would be awesome to be recognized:) and i agree a hook does give you more freedom...ripple ghans for example

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