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70's Women's Day best crochet


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Hi! :cheer


As I'm into a 70's mood - I bought this great old book named Women's day best crochet, but unfortunately.... the most important page to me is missing!!! (page 44-45).

Does someone has it and will be able to scan or photocopy that page for me???




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I don't have that particular book. We can't photocopy or scan because that's against copyright laws. I'm afraid you aren't supposed to ask anyone to do that either.


BUT you might want to check thrift stores, the library or on ebay for the book and that will help you solve your problem. Good luck:manyheart

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You Americans are too keen to those copyright laws - no problem with that, it's good and right .BUT - I BOUGHT the book, the only problem is that ONE SINGLE page is missing, so is it THAT BAD to ask for help with that? common......

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Sarita, copyright issues are always touchy but I can certainly see your point. You purchased the item and are missing a page, that does seem to be a little kooky. Pedrsonally I don't see anything wrong with asking for a copy of the page that you are missing (it's not like you're asking for the whole book) but I also know that here on Crochetville, we can get the owners in trouble for asking or offering to do that.


I would suggest checking your local library to see if they have it. Wish I could help but I don't have that issue...


Good luck to you! :hook

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That's OKAY.. FALKS, I already got help on this. :clap

But to suit you all in a normal state of mind, let me tell you some points:


1. This is a book that is not published anymore, It's more than 30 YEARS OLD - for god's sake.... so what's all the fuss? :eek

2. Here, In the country where I live - No library holds neddlecraft books. pitty. I wish we could see this kind of stuff in libraries! Besides: I don't see any difference between copying a single page from a person than doing the same thing from a library!!!!!

3. I bought the book and it's not my fault that one particular page was missing, right? It's quite strange to go and buy the WHOLE book again while someone might have it and can help.


So please everybody - let's keep on focusing in the main: C-R-O-C-H-E-T-I-N-G! :hug



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Personally, I'd have no problem copying ONE page of the book for you. If I had that book, I'd probably just ask for a random page in that book to be scanned, then that would be proof enough that she actually owned the thing. Even publishers distribute sample pages of their books. In a pattern book, it's rare that ONE page would give you the whole pattern anyway.

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God, Am I that missunderstood????? :think

I BOUGHT THE BOOK SECOND HAND (OR ONE-MILLION-HAND, AFTER ALL IT'S FROM THE 70'S) Then I found out that there's ONE page missing :eek .

This page - from both sides - shares THREE patterns: the end of the one in the previous page, a new pattern and the begginning of another one (which ends in the page that does exist in the book).

That's all. I see this discussion as too much bla-bla FOR NOTHING.:angry

Anyway: I like this forum but can't understand how such a really small thing grabs such a great disscussion, I just needed a small help.

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i think the issue here is that in THIScountry its illegal to copy anything without the owners permission. the ladies here are just trying to tell you this. it does not matter if its 30 years old or 300 years old, a copywrite is a copywrite and its made to protect the person that created the book. personally i think your not understanding what we are all trying to tell you. the owners of this board can get in ALOT of legal trouble. your country maybe not(wondering where this place is) hope that clears it up for YOU.:angry

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IANAL, but I would think replacing one missing page of an out-of-print magazine would constitute fair use, and if your library has a copy of if you would be allowed to make one copy for personal use...but yes, to be safe, contact Woman's Day, and that will end all questions one way or the other.

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Am I that missunderstood?????

I don't see that at all. I see a lot of people trying to help you without getting themselves, the board, or you in trouble. One member replied between your two posts and said she had no problem coping the one page if she had it.

Considering you said you got help with it, you should let it drop. ;)

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