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Should I crochet this?

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I definately want to make this in time for band camp: http://www.craftster.org/forum/index.php?topic=31379.0


he problem is...I don't know whether to sew or crochet it. Ireally want a cool fabric to sew it in but the tute looks somewhat difficult for a newbie for me. (I'd have to have my mom hovering over me the whole time I'd make this, sort of inconvient for her)


If I crochet it, I don't know if the same would come out right. (I consider myself intermediate but it still looks a bit hard)


Any tips?

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The only problem I can see with crocheting it is the stretch factor. You know, fabric has very little give, but a crocheted item can be pretty stretchy. Just something to consider.


It is a cute pattern!

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If you crochet it you should definitely line it. Otherwise all the little or narrow things will work their way out. I agree with the other and say sew it. The stretch factor mentioned above is also a good point for something like this.


A crocheted one would be pretty cute but I think you'd be happier with a fabric one.

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I would suggest if you are crocheting it to use that yarn that feels like a cord. I just saw some last night a hobby lobby but forgot what its called. and use sc or hdc stitches. It would be cool to add a beaded fringe so it would look really dressy for the clubs.

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