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I'm a rather slow crocheter....when I say I'm working on a project on-off, then it usually means more OFF than ON. :P But having the opportunity to post my projects here, it actually gives me some motivation to get another project done!! Does anyone else feel that way?



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It takesme FOREVER to finish my projects! And I have trouble sticking to the 'finish one before starting another' I keep trying to promise to myself - I have two afghans on the go, and I haven't touched either of them in weeks.

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Everyone has their slumps of motivation....


Some people try to make a list. Some people just like to have multiple projects.


Next time you are feeling pretty good, try to work on one of the afghans. It will make you feel good to work on one of them.


UFOs and WIPs are part of the crochet world. Fact of life:manyheart

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Well... I am a fast crocheter, but I generally have at least 5 to 10 projects going at once so they don't get done fast - if that makes any sense lol.


I have to have that many things going because I tend to get bored with one thing very quickly and I found that if I expected myself to start and finish just ONE thing at a time, I would have ONE thing sitting there forever. But if I have a variety of things to choose from, there will always be something I want to do, and by the time I'm bored with it, the thing I was bored with three days ago will be fresh again :D

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I usually have more than one thing going at once, and switch back and forth betwenn them all. But lately I have been making alot of things for my niece and have been finishing them each before I start the next one. With me it seems if I have a reason to finish (and my niece is the biggest one) I finish, if it is something I am making for myself, well that is a different story.

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While I adore the idea of having a bunch of items in progress at once for variety, I realized that even just working on one project my tension could change between the start and finish. (I made an afghan and the starting end was looser than the rest. I didn't realize until I tried to fold it up.) I figured I'd better mostly do one project at a time to optimize my chances of keeping my tension the same. :hook

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I find this board helps me going. I started the Crochet quilt, Trip Around The World, and probably wouldn't have finished it if I didn't find this site (and someone else finishing theirs!).

And I also get bored, so that's why Ih also have several projects going at once. Quick ones help me stay motivated, like dishclothes or easy doilies or something like that.

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Deadlines seem to work well for me. I also have made a schedule that I adhere to. I love General hospital so in order to watch it, I have to make preemie hats. Mornings I commit to projects I'm going to sell at market, afternoons are for stuff to sell at craft fairs, and evenings I use for gifts or projects I want. Weekends I leave open but always have my hook and yarn with me. At market I find my stuff sells better when I'm crocheting. For me the desire for money and the power to buy more yarn and patterns is a real motivation. I'm lost with out my crochet......help , my addiction is out of control!!!!!!

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I don't make deadlines for most of my projects because it stresses me and I tend to frog more. I do make a long range plan of when I would like to get it done, such as presents. I do tell myself that I can work on something each day and if I can't tomorrow is a new day and I find something other constuctive to do. You will finish your projects...UFO become WIP, become F/O and the ones that you lose interest in before you finish can be an inspiration for something new.

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