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Crocheting with Fleece?

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I noticed in Annie's new catalog they have a book on "learn to crochet with fleece" where you cut the fleece or use pre-cut fleece to make various items. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this - my guess is it is somewhat akin to crocheting w/fabric strips or plastic bag strips...


Here's the link to the book:



I have TONS of fleece (purchased when I was doing a lot of crochet-edged fleece blankets) and although the cutting into strips might be tedious, this might be a good way to get rid of some of it :blush


Was just wondering if anyone had experience with this and could make a recommendation..




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That catalogue looks really interesting. I have never done that though. I did try to do the crochet edged fleece baby blankets, but was unsucessful at poking holes thru the fleece. It really wore out my thumbs.:eek What did you use to poke holes in the fleece?:)

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You'll probably laugh at this! I tried a BUNCH of tools and finally settled on a 1/16" round paper hole punch! You can get them at any craft store. The holes will run just a tad but it was the easiest and fastest way to do. I usually used a quilt pad and round cutter to straighten the blanket edges and go along a dinner plate to round the corner. Then I'd mark the # of holes 1/4" appart w/a disappearing ink fabric marker. Finally I'd punch all the marked holes. Worst part was marking the holes on the floor (my dining room table is currently my husband's desk) - that really killed my back!

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I have made rugs from fleece strips. The fleece is stretchy one way and 'stiff' the other way. you must cut the fleece the stiff way, cut strips about one inch wide and use a N hook or bigger; stretchy will shred . joining, I found sewing the lengths together is better, I overlapped the ends by about two inches and sewed together ....knots are simply too lumpy. I have to warn you that fleece creates a lot of lint and I would suggest wearing a mask, a paper one from the dollar store. Since there is no weave to fleece you do not need to be concerned about tucking in sides. Fleece works well for braided rugs; I only made one because I hated the technique but crochet worked well. Good luck

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That sounds real interesting......just what I need, another project.


I do have quite a few fleece blankets that I picked up at Walgreens for $1 each...maybe I might give it a try:think

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