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Crochet & Air travel...

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On UK flights they are super strict they dont let you carry on knitting needles or hooks. I had to buy a book and was severly traumetised lol. 4 hours sat down and not crocheting it was pure hell. but at the check in desk there is a poster up with a pair of knitting needles and a huge cross through them.

I was asked if i had anything sharp in my hand luggage and my fella asked me where I had put my knitting needles. I had to transfer them to my suitcase. major bummer. but I had loads of knitting and crocheting done when i got there by the pool.

Some places are more strict than others. as for those who can crochet during flights good on yer xx why would you want to gouge someone with a crochet hook when you could be crocheting lol. xxx


Is this something new? I flew through London-Gatwick 6 times last summer (including 2 days after the subway bombings) and my whole set of crochet hooks (including the steel thread ones) were fine. They took them out and looked at them (why I put them in my checked bag for the last flight out) each time - including twice in the Amsterdam to London flight. But they all seemed interested that I crocheted. I also brought my small knitting loom (with plastic yarn needles instead of the metal tool) and made most of a sock. And since I carry on mostly thread work (much smaller!), I usually use a travel sized dental floss container.


I just got back tonight on the plane with my crocheting.


My friends who knit usually carry on bamboo needles so they aren't stopped at security, just in case.

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I crocheted on a flight out of Houston, TX and had no problem at all. It was a little hook too, a C or D I think. They don't seem to have a problem with it in the airport or on the flight. I think they understand that crocheters don't mean any trouble. Continental defintely allows it.

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I absolutly was amazed that I was able to carry on a glass pitcher.(for ice tea) I mean seriously if I wanted a weapon glass is breakable. Ahh its all for our own protection anyway. But those screeners dont know what there messin with taking an aholics yarn. Mess with my scissors but hands off my yarn!!!! lol (just for the record I am not a terrorist I am just trying to be funny)

We were selected for seperate screening you know the pat down chemical swipes of all our stuff for explosives. In all honesty I was scared. The lady who pat me down asked what I was hiding in my bra. So I tell her it is an underwire bra and I was hiding nothing. I honestly was afraid. After a bit of questioning and rummaging thru my bags. I was released. I wouldnt want to be hiding something she seemed like shed be on you faster than flies on well you know. But thru that screening then never touched my hooks.

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I'm taking a plane trip in Nov.(my first since 9-11). I'm going to try & take my N hook. There is nothing sharp enough to hurt anyone with unless I stabbed them in the eye or something equally gross. As far as that goes, I could make a garrotte (if I knew how) with the yarn & strangle someone too. I'm not trying to sound like a terrorist here, I'm just saying anything can be made into a weapon if someone wants it bad enough. I think if you take yarn & hooks along together, they should let you keep them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This thread was so informative! I am still chuckling over the Vegas Security guard treating Noah_Natalies_Mommy's Eyelash yarn with the super high security that they did! I imagine if you never saw it, it could look seriously suspicious! LOL. It is a good idea to have that pre paid self addressed envelope to mail your hooks or whatever back to yourself if there is no way it is getting on the plane....thanks for That idea AngiR! And the copy of the TSA regulations is a great idea too nucki! It is so sad that air travel has come to this....we just want to mind our own business and enjoy ourselves crocheting.....Now I travel a lot and I sure as heck don't want my plane taken down by some terrorist...I respect that security regulations should be high and that that is a good thing.I guess the easiest thing to do is go with the blunt kiddie scissors or the dental floss pack the cheaper plastic hook and a small enough project that will not alarm anyone! Take your regulation sheet and stick to easily recognizable fibers...(still laughing...lol).....Imagine someone Thinking Jimmie Lu posed a security threat! But On the other hand ....I imagine terrorists have to become sneakier and wiser these days so the highest possible precautions should be taken, We do not need another September 11th...It might be boring to fly without being able to crochet....But it is a blessing to land safely at your destination! Wishing Safe Travel to us all.....:hook

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On our recent trip to NC, I put all the metal items together in one little cosmetic bag, tucked inside the diaper bag. I pulled it out and handed it to the screener and told him there were crochet hooks in there...he said they'd pass without a problem. I also brought a pair of nailclippers to cut the yarn. If you do bring scissors, they say you have to have them wrapped so that any airport personnel who reach into your bag don't have to worry about getting jabbed with them...



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You know...I meant to comment on this some time ago...but I'm SURE it must be up to the individual screener. My sister and I traveled together some time in 2004. She had in her cosmetic bag...her "eyebrow" scissors....she had no idea they were in there until we were pulled aside and they searched her suitcase...of course she was more than happy to forget about the scissors and carry on her way...she totally forgot they were even in there and said she probably wouldn't have thought of it anyway...they were safety scissors she has had since the 2nd grade!!!!!!!!!! No blunt edges! We found in general that the airport near our home was probably the most stringent as far as security goes. We had to practically strip (sarcasm) when we left Tiny Newburgh NY and when we returned from Ft. Lauderdale they looked at us funny when we anticipated the same procedure.



I can't help but make a final note on this one. In 2003 my "Fresh" grandpa came up for a visit from FL. When I picked him up from the airport and we were awaiting his luggage...I said..."So did you behave grandpa?"...and the lady behind me said "NO!". Grandpa later told me (he's a WWII pilot)...that he met up with the pilot of his plane for coffee before the flight and when he got on the plane and saw his new "Friend" he said "OH MIGOD its you!...we're going to Crash!"...THEN I surprised him and flew home with him for a few days at the end of his trip. As we were going through the security in Tiny Newburgh...he said loudly to the guy checking him...."you checking to see if I have a GUN?"...dear lord! :eek The Security guy got close to him and pointed to the state troopers and told my 80 something grandpa to keep his voice down or he's going to have to have those guys over there take him away. Well he behaved...sorta....for the rest of the trip...and we BOTH arrived safe and sound at our destination.



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Thanks, angiR for the self-addressed envelope idea, that's a good one! One of the problems with airtravel and restrictions is that the rules on the way out may not be the same on the way back. On the way to Turkiye, we transferred through London, and I had no trouble with my entire case of crochet hooks. I use a long knitting case because my hook collection includes 14" double hooks, and tuck the case of 6" hooks inside, along with a case with yarn needles, eyeglasses, scissors, etc. The Dulles security guy had no issues, and neither did the Heathrow crew. But, on a domestic flight within Turkiye from Istanbul to Izmir, and later on the international flight home, my hooks, small and large, were a no-go. Not even one was allowed. A good thing is that you go through security more than once, and the unallowable items are identified before you check your baggage. so, I didn't lose my hooks, but I was for a loss what to do while waiting in the airport (baggage gets checked fairly early), or on the plane, and the trip back home was very looooong. Heathrow would probably have let me have my hooks for the London-US leg of the trip, but they were checked through! couldn't lay hands on them. And do you know how many yarn/hook shops there are in an airport? As far as I can tell, none! And I looked..... That's how desparate I was by the time we climbed off the flight from Turkiye!


As soon as I got back, I started looking for and buying bamboo and wood hooks. I've got my eye on the Luxite hooks at Purple Kitty; they go down to at least a C, and maybe a B....


What's really funny is that I hadn't flown since 1997, and probably won't again for the forseeable future. Talk about locking the barn door after the horse was stolen.... although, any excuse to try new hooks is a good one, eh?

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  • 2 weeks later...

This has been a very informative (and often funny) thread! I'm flying from JFK to SF next week, and I was a little worried about taking my crochet goodies. I guess I'll just take the prepaid envelope, wood or plastic hooks and hope for the best! If I have to sit for the 6-hour flight without crocheting, I think I'll pass out!

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Crochet hooks, knitting needles, and small scissors no bigger then 3 inches in length are aloud on planes.......this is comming from a security screener......me if you have any questions go to our web site




and click on travel tips the list of what to bring and what not to bring is all there

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I can't help but make a final note on this one. In 2003 my "Fresh" grandpa came up for a visit from FL. When I picked him up from the airport and we were awaiting his luggage...I said..."So did you behave grandpa?"...and the lady behind me said "NO!". Grandpa later told me (he's a WWII pilot)...that he met up with the pilot of his plane for coffee before the flight and when he got on the plane and saw his new "Friend" he said "OH MIGOD its you!...we're going to Crash!"...THEN I surprised him and flew home with him for a few days at the end of his trip. As we were going through the security in Tiny Newburgh...he said loudly to the guy checking him...."you checking to see if I have a GUN?"...dear lord! :eek The Security guy got close to him and pointed to the state troopers and told my 80 something grandpa to keep his voice down or he's going to have to have those guys over there take him away. Well he behaved...sorta....for the rest of the trip...and we BOTH arrived safe and sound at our destination.


:laughroll Your grandpa sounds like a funny guy....much like my own was :)

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