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Making Donated Items

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I have given a lot of thought about how to help cancer patients and their families. I want to help cancer patients in Oregon. I could then drop the items off instead of shipping them. I have no money to give/donate. So I thoughts I would ask you all about my idea, since a lot of you donate and work/live with cancer patients. I want to help children (I have no clue how or what adults like.. I am a shut-in for the most part).


Maybe if I could design a few unique Amigurumi patterns and make the items for the children (with crochet or anchored features) that maybe the kids would like them?


I know I need to contact them for absolute info, but I thought I would ask here first.


I have a lot of WIPs I still need to work on but I thought that I would start designing while I waited to hear back from the two cancer charities/organizations I plan on contacting.

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That's a beautiful idea. I felt bad when I could not donate money to causes I wanted to help, until I heard it said "give of your talents" and realized I could crochet for charity. I support God's Tiny Angels (for premature infants and their families) and Project Linus (blankets for hospitalized children). Making amigurumi animals sounds like a fantastic idea for young cancer patients. What child doesn't adore stuffed animals? I wish you lots of success in such a generous endeavor and hope you'll post about your projects and the reception you get from the organizations you're contacting. Lovely, thoughtful idea!

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hey dont forget you can donate hats for children also they loose their hair and having something cool and colorful is a nice gift. I have a pattern I have been working on that looks like braided hair for the kiddies here. Just a nother thought!

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I make a lot of chemo caps for kids. I've also made some stuffed animals and little bunny eggs at Easter time - I didn't fill them with Candy - that's never a good idea, but I filled them with stickers. Small cuddly toys, colorful caps, and soft blankies are appreciated.

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I would suggest contacting the hospital . A lot of the toys have to be sterilized or disinfected and let's face it crochet would not stand up to this. Each hospital has ways you can help, A lot of my work ends up in the gift shop and the money raised goes for supplying coffee,tea juice etc for families in the waiting rooms, and with chemo, there is a lot of waiting. Nothing worse than making and giving a work of love and finding out it can't be used.

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Check and see if you have a Newborns In Need chapter in your area. They can always use donations. They have a website online. Just do a search of newborns In Need. My hubby and I both make and give things to them. michelle

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She did say she wanted to help cancer patience in oregon. While premies are very needy too I think she is focusing on a specific need in her area.

I do diferent charities. Honestly I burn out doing all premie or prayer shawls so I jump around in what I make and donate. Contacting the hospital will be the best way to see what is needed and I bet caps are what they ask for

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