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Baby Blanket Size ?

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I'm crocheting a friend a baby blanket for her little one who is due in Augest.


What I wanted to know is what size do you usually make baby blankets ? I want to make a nice blanket. I don't want to make it to small. However, the pattern size is pretty big. I don't mind makeing the full size baby blanket. However, I am worried that the full size will be so big that it will be to much to carry around and use. I'm not a mom so I am not sure what sizes are the most useful. Any suggestions ?


Thanks for the help.

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Whenever I made a baby blanket for my cousin's baby boy, I made it around 41 inches. She told me that it was the perfect size for him and all. I have the pattern on here if you want to check it out, it's under "Blue Baby Blanket" in the Origional Patterns threads :)


Hope this helps

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Depends on the use it will get. If it is to be used in a crib I might make it 3.5 to 4 feet wide. If it is to be used for carrying or laying the baby on the floor, 28 inches is a good size.

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Like Mudpie said, it depends on what kind of use you intend it to be for. If you want to make her something to use on a stroller or car seat, smaller is better. But if you intend it to be used in the crib, bigger is better.


Personally, I've always made baby blankets on the large side - not only so they could be used in the crib, but so that the child would get more use out of it. I make it with the intention that when the child is, say, 2 years old and in a toddler bed, they can still use it.


But that's me. A lot of it comes down to personal preference, and as I said, the intended use.



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Thanks, ladies. Your answers explain why I've seen so many differnt "standard" sizes baby blankets. One size for cribs and one size for in the stroller. The pattern calls for it to the about 35 inches wide and 48in long. So it sounds like that will be a good size.

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