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Have you ever joined like this?

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I'm not sure if I read this somewhere or I made it up. I've been using this method for joining two pieces and it works so great and is so easy. I hate to sew or whipstitch. This is simple and for my purposes almost invisible. Holding the right sides together, I do a single (or double) crochet in the first stitch of the piece closest to me, then I do single (or double) crochet in the first stitch in the other piece, then I do a stitch in the next next stitch in the piece closest to me and continue alternating doing a stitch in each piece. It comes out amazing.

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I haven't quite done it that way but I have crocheted pieces together by just crocheting what ever stitch was used to make the piece to put the sides together. I did not alternate what side the stitch would be in, that sounds like it would probably be a lot smoother.


Good idea, thanks.:ty

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Holding the right sides together, I do a single (or double) crochet in the first stitch of the piece closest to me, then I do single (or double) crochet in the first stitch in the other piece, then I do a stitch in the next stitch in the piece closest to me and continue alternating doing a stitch in each piece.


So after the first stitch, you alternate which side gets the stitch? So it's kind of a zig-zag?

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Hi TepperWear


I haven't tried it with an sc or dc, but I do the same thing with a slip stitch. I learned it from this web site that I'm always recommending to people :lol (methods 2-5), As the pictures show, you can also make a lacy, faggoting effect by skipping a stitch and working chains between.


Now I'm going to try your way too! Thanks for the tip!



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Thank you so much for the info and the web site. I've seen it done but the crocheter would not give out the information as to how it was done. I'm off to join some grannies, as sung to the tune of off to see the wizard....sorry ladies, cold medication has made me just a little to crazy this morning.

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Thank you so much for the info and the web site. I've seen it done but the crocheter would not give out the information as to how it was done.
How sad, Connie! And how misguided! Surely sharing with and learning from others only adds to our enjoyment of crochet? It does for me, anyway, and is one of the things I love about the 'Ville. :heart
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Thanks for the website! I'm stopping work on my throw until fall (it's 107 degrees here and I'm not needing to be covered by something warm and cozy). So hopefully I'll remember that I bookmarked this wonderful website a few months from now. It looks to be a speeding way of seaming!

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