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a crochet slump

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Being a newbie to crochet I haven't hit a slump with it yet. Everything is still so exciting and challenging to me! BUT... I am in a ceramic slump that has lasted almost a year!! :eek But geuss what?? Just this morning I found myself looking at all those little Christmas ornaments I started, the BEAUTFUL crosses that are so patiently waiting for me to haul them to the shop to be fired, and I'm getting inspired again! I'm thinking of all the crafts I do and how to pair them with crochet!! Like Christmas ornaments with a crochet tree skirt! Or my canning stuff... I'm going to pair crochet kitchen items with preserves and such for gifts.

Time heals all slumps my girl. Don't sweat it, try painting, or cooking, or writing... anything new to get the juices flowing and don't worry.:manyheart

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