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a crochet slump

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ahhh confession time I am in a slump and am a bit of fear that I mayend up with mounds of UFOs. What shall I do ladies to avoid this? Yesterday I put up most of my yarn into totes so it is a bit less accessable. But in the past 2 days I have started 4 new projects and have a bunch sitting here. Its like I am board!

Bad thing Hubby helped me with the yarn and found bags upon bags of yarn and now said he wont buy anymore until I use some of it up:eek Is he nuts He also found a box with plastic canvas( I did that from about 8 until 21) So he said it must go I have listed most of it at ebay but boy am I just a bit................


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Hi Jimmie Lu,

I sometimes get into those slumps myself. I just recently came out of one. (like yesterday...:lol ) One thing I try to do is tackle the easiest UFO I have. (or one that I want to finish the most) and once that is complete, I feel better and then go on to the next one. I have done that this week with things I didn't "feel" like doing and what do you know??? I am all caught up on UFO's (for the most part...;) )


Good luck getting over this one...:hook

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Jimmie Lu -

I LIVE in the land of UFOs! In January, I promised myself that I wouldn't start any more new projects until I tackled and completed ALL the ones I had already started. Well, that lasted about 2 weeks.


A brainstorm hit me in the beginning of June. Here's what's working for me:


Pick 5 projects in various states of completion.


Finish those 5.(NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES!) You can work them any way you choose - one at a time, or a little here, a little there(I like the variety, so I jump around).


When those are done, pick 5 more.


Finish those 5.


So far, I've finished 3 of my original 5, and I have my list of UFOs grouped into 5s. I'm getting satisfaction from actually completing projects, and clearing space up(for more yarn, of course).



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I have a great deal of works in progress right now and today was my slump day. I just knew that if I picked up my hook that I would frog everything I touched.:angry Instead I cleaned the house from top to bottom, sent out a couple packages,and if tomorrow brings the same my van is getting a cleaning job and then my poor yard will get tackled. I feel sorry for my flowers if that happens because they may come out with the weeds. :eek Sometimes I need to start something new before I can tackle the ones that I know that I really must finish, the break is sometimes all I need to get a new view on life. My view right now is that waxed bathroom floor that I hope no one slips on:devil

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Hi ...everyone....

When I get in a slump, I go to thrift stores, or book stores or to yard sales for pattern booklets and books. I love to get all kinds...older pattern booklets and magazines. I enjoy seeing patterns and it gets me excited to try something new.

One of my daughter's tank tops was designed after I saw an older Crochet Fantasy magazine with a picture of an adult wearing a tank top. I thought it was so cute and knew I could design something for my daughter. I didn't use a single stitch from the pattern...but the picture inspired me.


I have one bookstore that has 50% off on a certain day and I go shopping on that day. I get great deals on crochet booklets, books and magazines.

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I am like Angefire. When I am in a slump I find something else to do. Get other things accomplished, like painting that room you've been talking about for months! That gives me a sense of accomplishment. Most of the time my corchet slumps are caused by the fact that I have a million things around the house that needs doing and I am a bit guilty about sitting and crocheting. :devil Not often though.


Sometimes I just need a break because the patterns were a bit tough, or boring. Right now I have a ruffle doily that my sister wants that is boring me stiff. chain, chain, chain, what a drag! I force myself to work on it at least an hour a day. She'll be happy and I'll never do one again but I can say I did it!:yay

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I got into a slump once that lasted for almost a year. I didn't pick up a hook and I didn't want to. The only reason I came out of it was my mom asked about the blanket I was supposed to be making her. It still isn't finished, but at least I'm back on the horse.

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I always have more than one project on the go at once and i must say i have never had a slump, actually if i don't get to crochet each day i get withdrawals. LOL.

After dinner each night i look forward to sitting down and crocheting but i also do other things like sew up dolls clothes my sister knits for me, plus make birthday and other presents.

I work with preloved dolls and sell them at a local market and i have two shelves full of dolls to dress before the 22nd July as i am also doing a Doll and bear show as well as my markets each Sunday. I love taking a doll, cleaning it up, washing its hair and body and then deciding what outfit to make or put on her.

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Y'all don't know how glad I am to hear that I am not alone in the land of slump!


I do pick up the hook & yarn from time to time (63 sq CAL, baby!!), but my enthusiasm for crochet in general has waned. Maybe it's the heat that we've been struck with down here on the south side...

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Boy, can I sympathize! For me, the hardest part is taking the UFO out of the bag and figuring out where I left off. Once I get past that stage, however, the feeling of being on the way to completing something is motivating in itself. Good Luck and best wishes for a mercifully short slump!

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Slumps are rare for me but on occasion they do happen and I find that its usually because of color, most often pastels or white.. I make something in the most brilliant color I have dosen't have to be a big project....half a dozen grannies or a wash cloth. My philosphy is not how many projects you have going, its how many you finish and I make it a point to finish at least one a day.

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Pick 5 projects in various states of completion.


Finish those 5.(NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES!) You can work them any way you choose - one at a time, or a little here, a little there(I like the variety, so I jump around).


When those are done, pick 5 more.


Finish those 5.



Holy jebus how many UFOs do you have? LOL!


I plan projects out the wazoo, but I only work on one or two at a time... right now, I actually have 4 UFOs... which is a LOT for me. I usually only have two... whatever I am currently working on, and the same scarf I started three years ago and haven't felt like finishing. LOL!


My other two are a Snuggle and a Red Scarf Project scarf, because I have to finish the afghan I am working on to take down to PA over the holiday.


More than that, and I think I would slowly go insane... LOL!


But, when a slump hits, I let it hit, and I let it pass on its own. I have a bunch of other hobbies, so I just shift to one of them for a while. ;)

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I am currently in a slump as well. This is about the time of year when I get so busy camping and whatnot I try to take small projects with me. I currently have about 6 UFO's laying around. I try to crochet on them at least 15 minutes a night. I know 15 minutes doesn't sound like much but it will eventually get them done. And as for your hubby's comments--mine made them same when we tried to organize my stash a little better. HAHA..he knows that I can't not buy yarn when I find it on sale. Just hang in there and try 15 minutes a day for awhile. If not...take a break from crocheting for awhile. Might help some. Just a thought.

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Jimmie Lu, I've been going through the exact same thing lately! In my case, I think it's because there's some chaos in my life (work, looking for a better job, and moving at the end of August, possibly out of state) and I've been very unfocused as a result.


I'm at the point where I have so many bags of projects right now, all sitting around my futon, I just need to get them better organized and put in a little work on each.


It does help that most of them are made of smaller parts, so it's easy to make some progress. Maybe you could look at your projects, and pick the one that's closest to completion? That could certainly give a sense of accomplishment.


And if all else fails, you could always join the UFO cal! :lol

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I think we just need a bit of time out every once in a while and that is a HEALTHY thing.....when I get into a slump I put my UFOs away and pull out one small ball of yarn and my favourite hook (come on .....admit it.....we all have one!) and I work on techniques.....a new joining method or a new but difficult stitch.....nothing too demanding....and before I know it I am pulling my UFOs out again!

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I find that getting new patterns or ideas pulls me out of a crochet slump. The bad part is that sometimes it means I start a new project without finishing up UFO's.


Another thing that motivates me to crochet more is when I'm making gifts on a deadline. I just finished making 3 shrugs a week ago. I'm just finishing up a knitted blanket for my husband (been a pain trying to work on it only when he's not around), and will finish up a teddybear for my dad hopefully today or tomorrow.


Sometimes tho, I just need to take a break and do something else. There are other misc hobbies I have the stuff for that I can putter around with. Or I can read to rest my wrists.

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My problem is getting started but once I do I can't stop. Usaually I have projects/yarn in baskets, in bags, on the couch and never put it away. That way, I can crochet whenever I feel like it. It works for me since I don't have kids or pets around the house. My DDH doesn't complain as long I don't invade his space.


I agree that if you're in slump, it's best to wait. I find that's when I do my most frogging ..... what a waste of time.

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I tend to slump in January (because I overdo it for Christmas) and in the summer, when I am more likely to cross-stitch and sew. I prefer yarn to thread and yarn seems too hot this time of year. If crochet isn't something you have to do to earn money or finish gifts for a deadline, I agree with the people who said to take a break. At some point, you'll see a magazine or book that inspires you or a change of seasons will give you the urge to crochet again. (Or you will find yourself in need of an activity to kill time while you have to sit for awhile. This happened to me yesterday when my father had some surgery and it happens when my son's soccer season begins.)

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Most of the time my corchet slumps are caused by the fact that I have a million things around the house that needs doing and I am a bit guilty about sitting and crocheting. :devil


LoL That is so me! I usually end up in a slump when I have a million things left unattended in the house, due to the fact that I've been sitting on my rear end, crocheting.

I usually do something around the house (clean the computer desk, dust, vacuum, etc) as a quick pick-me-up. Like right now- I've been putting off the finishing touches on my package for the accessories swap...so I'm cleaning the computer desk (really, I am! :yes ) It really helps not to look at crochet every once in a while. :lol

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Bad thing Hubby helped me with the yarn and found bags upon bags of yarn and now said he wont buy anymore until I use some of it up:eek Is he nuts He also found a box with plastic canvas( I did that from about 8 until 21) So he said it must go I have listed most of it at ebay but boy am I just a bit................




Suggestions? Tell your husband to stay outside of your stash or else you will go and see what sports things/DVDs/... (fill in whatever came first in your mind) you can put on ebay. I'm pretty sure this will at least help to prevent further "helps" from your husband. :hook


and then promise to yourself to finish one thing before you start another. I allow myself to have one thing of each kind on my hooks/needles:

- one easy going thing for the work on the playground (summervest for my middle, cotton, knitting needles, plain stitches)

- one filet crochet when I want something to impress non-crocheters

- one thing crocheted with bulky yarn (for car rides, as long as I don't drive myself)

- one gift (if I want to feel good and generous)


For me, it works. But there were times when I started a lot and finished nothing. It took a big "lets finish things" time to work this up - one after one.

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AS i said before i very rarely have slump, if there is even the hint of one all i would have to do is take out all my crochet pattern folders and books and that would be enough to get me inspired again.:c9

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Jimmie Lu,

I get into these slumps too. This may sound selfish, but I find I get into slumps when I am working on too many projects that I plan to give to others. When I can't focus on completing my projects, I will pick a small project just for me, buy special yarn, and make something for myself. It may be selfish, but it typically helpse me get motivated to finish my other projects. I get that feeling back of completing a project and also that feeling of wearing/ using something I made. Knowing that I can pass this feeling on (the joy seeing others enjoy what I made) typically helps.

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Hi Jimmie Lu--Here is a suggestion, one which I have used on myself and it works! (Neatly) store all those unfinished projects in a plastic storage box. You can get them pretty cheap at a dollar store or Wal-Mart. Put the box where you can see it in passing. Next, start another project-yeah it sounds stupid. Finish the project. Don't make it too large. You will feel a sense of accomplishment and will be ready to go to the storage box and get out one of the UFO's. Work on that next one until you finish it and so on. This really worked for me and I finally cleared all my UFO box. Don't get down about it-everybody has a period where this happens.

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Holy jebus how many UFOs do you have? LOL!


Short answer- too many! I also do knitting, needlepoint, cross stitch, and dolls, so there are plenty of UFOs to go around.



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