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Look at this hahaha

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It is cute, but believe it or not, it is quite often used in the rehabilitation of penguins that have been affected by oil spills. Penguins are extremely vulnerable once their feathers have been contaminated as they cannot keep their body heat. I know of a group of ladies here in Melbourne that make these little jumpers up for our large colony at Phillip Island in Victoria (Largest Fairy Penguin colony in the world I believe)

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Aww, that is cute. It's just that the occasion that they wear them on is sad, that takes something away from it. But he is huggable. :manyheart

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My goodness, Samio! That's an amazing little fact. I had no idea that a group of good ladies were sitting around knitting sweaters for penguins. Bless those ladies for their kindness and compassion.:manyheart

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I second the cute-ness. :D


And wow, Samio. I never would have thought of something like that - nor did I know that Penguins would have that problem.


See... ya learn something new every day, huh? ;)

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Here's a couple more wonderful pics: http://www.greenapple.com/~jorp/amzanim/aq04.htm


I read that the Tasmanian Conservation Trust was hoping to get 100 jumpers and ended up with 15,000! There's even a song about knitting sweaters for Antarctic penguins:




"And maybe matching slippers/for their chilly little flippers" -- :rofl


But though the penguins do look funny and sweet, the sweaters really did/do work. Instead of most contaminated birds dying, the survival rate of those fitted with a sweater rose to 98 per cent. As well as keeping them warm, the sweaters stop them from preening their feathers and swallowing the poisonous oil.

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What an amazing fact! I'm so glad that I try to make it a point to learn something new every day - even if its a factoid about penguins!!! Thanks for sharing!

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Here's a couple more wonderful pics: http://www.greenapple.com/~jorp/amzanim/aq04.htm


"And maybe matching slippers/for their chilly little flippers" -- :rofl


:rofl I have to join you there, that is just to funny! In the picture it looks like the the blue stripped sweater is to long. He could trip on that! He wouldn't need slippers for his flippers! :rofl

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