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I am stupid

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Thanks for the encouragment everyone. I goof up on small things all the time, but never a big project and not the major part of the project for sure. For something I hadn't put hours into, I wouldn't care at all. Just frustrating thtat I allowed myself to be so distracted because I normally am so careful with big projects.


Like you've said, I'll be awfully good at the pattern when I do finish it. I will have to frog it because it's way too big for anyone I know, but I'd keep it as is if possible. I've gone back to doing small smaller projects today just to give myself a break from single crochets and then I'll restart on this in a couple of days.


:think could you turn it into a blanket?

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I thought about making it a blanket, but finally just starting over would be better. It's too narrow and long to be an adult blanket, and probably not a child's blanket either. Especially since it's a dark taupe color. I wouldn't have enough yarn to finish it as a blanket anyway. It's made from a discounted yarn I bought ages ago, not knowing what to do with it.


I already frogged part of it anyway. Haven't started redoing it yet, but I am determined to get it finished soon.

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I was making a bag and I heard the instructions said frist row dc in al ch and the next row dc and not in the sec on so instead of of doing a single doing a single crochet in one and a dbl in the next I was skiopping it so instead of a bag I have a bell got so mad I have frogged my project 7 times and gave up

If it was me instead of ripping it I would just leave it and make wider

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