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I am stupid

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Someone, please tell me you have done something like this, so I don't feel like I've totally lost my mind. Yesterday, I started making a wrap (shawl) and I could have sworn it said chain 64, so that's what I did. The whole thing is done in single crochet, so I didn't bother rechecking the pattern after that.


Today, I get halfway done and can clearly see how this thing hangs. Somehow, it doesn't look right. Huh? It looks huge on me. I go to the pattern to recheck. It didn't start with 64 chains. It was 46. Ugh! I've never gotten this far into a project and realized I have messed up this bad. Now I know why I normally do not try to crochet when I'm watching tv like I have with this project.

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i done that with an afghan, got about 6 rows in before i realized that it was getting wider and wider and wider we all do something like this sooner or later, if we didn't than we would be robots :lol

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we have all done that sweetie, sure don't mean your stupid, maybe finish it and find someone who could wear it, then it would not have to be frogged.(is what i did when i messed up) but if not then just frog it and start over, either way it is something that happens alot. hang in there honey, frogging while painful is not the end of the world. just frustrating i know. here are some:hug :hug :hug :hug :hug for you from me, if ya need help please let me know

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Done that, other way around - chained 57 instead of 75 and wondered about the 57 instead of re-checking the pattern.


It was a cardigan and fitted my middle daughter instead of the oldest. So I haven't to rip the half-finished side, I just had to do like it was planned this way. As my husband never really listens when I talk about knitting or crochet projects it was an easy one.


Don't be sad - it's part of our hobbie to make things wrong from time to time. I guess this was the way many things were found.


I imagine a crocheter, sitting at a very difficult pattern for a cardigan. She does hours and hours of concentrated stitching, then she noticed that she went wrong with the pattern. So she invented the knee-long cardigan instead of ripping of all the hours of work :hook

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Something like this has probably happened to ALL of us, we only learn from our mistakes in life, so chalk it up to a learning experience! Besides, Now that you (may) frog it,the second time will go much quicker as you are familiar with the pattern! Cheer up!:hook

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I've done stuff like that a million times. And I don't make gauges when I crochet, I just start out, and if it isn't right, I frog it and start over. Sometimes it takes 3-4 tries before I can continue. I think I've frogged almost as much as I've crocheted. :lol

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Thanks for the warning!


Being lefty I tend to be a titch dyslexic (or maybe it's not because I'm a lefty, I just do it). I look up something in the index of a book, go to that page and there is nothing there. I go back to the index and find it was NOT on page 142, but on page 124.


So far I haven't done it crocheting, but now I'll be on the look out.


So, you see, you are not alone in your number reversals. It happens. Unfortunately you've got to frog and start again...but you can. And it will be worth it in the end.


Too bad, but cheer up, we're there for you.

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I've done stuff like that a million times. And I don't make gauges when I crochet, I just start out, and if it isn't right, I frog it and start over. Sometimes it takes 3-4 tries before I can continue. I think I've frogged almost as much as I've crocheted. :lol


Cuddlefish, I've found that even making a gauge swatch doesn't protect you from having something come out too big or too small. Somehow it seems I can never measure those stitches exactly accurately so now I tend to do what you do--crochet several rows and then measure. I have to frog a lot but the end result is at least correct!:hook

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Honey i have just made a mistake on a blanket i am making. I spent a day sewing up this blanket of squares and realised upon "finishing" i had not done the squares big enough. I made them ten inches instead of 12 so i am having to make more squares and hope i have enough wool left. we all make mistakes honey. can you turn it into something else?

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I had a blanket once, where every time I fastened a square, it looked like it was one stitch off, and I had to undo it. I think it's because of the way stitches are not 'flat', it may look right, but when you pull at it, one side slides half a stitch or so forward. I don't know if you're familiar with the phenomenon, but if I have any grey hairs, that must be where they've come from! I think the trick is to ignore it.

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Last year I made a hat for my pastor's daughter. Worked and worked and worked on it. When it came to the increases the numbers weren't matching, but it looked good, so I continued. Finished it, flowers and all, and brought it along to give away. It not only didn't fit the 9 yr old, it didn't fit the baby! I had miscounted the starting chain and done 10 chs less than it called for! Too big for their doll, but too small for an actual person! They keep it anyway, just because I made it and they think its "so cute!"

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why do you think the word "frogging" was invented and is used so often? We all make mistakes and if there isn't one of us that have reversed numbers from a quick glance at some point in our lives..not just in crochet..I would be surprised. If you don't mind the estra size and it soesn't affect the remainder of the pattern then don't "frog" it. Just chalk it up to a learning experience.

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Guest Catlizg

Hugs to you - been there, done that, only mine was a poncho and I missed the skipped stitch for the point about halfway down on one side. Couldn't figure out why the poncho looked so odd on the one side. Oh well, we're human. Believe me, it's a mistake I haven't made again.

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Been there done that too ! You are not alone :hook

Thank you all for your stories.... they brought back to mind some of my mistakes and I needed that giggle this morning. Live and learn.



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Thanks for the encouragment everyone. I goof up on small things all the time, but never a big project and not the major part of the project for sure. For something I hadn't put hours into, I wouldn't care at all. Just frustrating thtat I allowed myself to be so distracted because I normally am so careful with big projects.


Like you've said, I'll be awfully good at the pattern when I do finish it. I will have to frog it because it's way too big for anyone I know, but I'd keep it as is if possible. I've gone back to doing small smaller projects today just to give myself a break from single crochets and then I'll restart on this in a couple of days.

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I goofed up pretty good not to long ago. The pattern called for a Q hook. So I picked up my Q hook and went to town. About 7 rows in, my fiance said that it looked kind of small. I checked it out, but blankets always stretch some when you block them, so I wasn't worried. 7 more rows, and he says that it is definitely too small.


We pull out the tape and measure it...it is too small by almost a foot. Remember that Q hook I was using? It turns out I picked up my P hook. I had to frog the whole thing. My fiance makes fun of me for it still, but I make fun of him because he knew the difference between a P and a Q.

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thats a great idea shannon, sometimes ya just need to step away from it for a while

hang in there hon, and think how great you are going to be at this pattern. believe me sweetie, is not just newbies or beginners who have this problem. i have crocheted for 43 years and i have sometimes done the exact same thing:blush :blush glad your feeling better about it.:hug :hug


Thanks for the encouragment everyone. I goof up on small things all the time, but never a big project and not the major part of the project for sure. For something I hadn't put hours into, I wouldn't care at all. Just frustrating thtat I allowed myself to be so distracted because I normally am so careful with big projects.


Like you've said, I'll be awfully good at the pattern when I do finish it. I will have to frog it because it's way too big for anyone I know, but I'd keep it as is if possible. I've gone back to doing small smaller projects today just to give myself a break from single crochets and then I'll restart on this in a couple of days.

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