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Glovelets are back

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Glovelets are back :2rock I have been seeing them all over the Hollywood scene.Who knew that so many trends from the eighties would be considered cool now. I think that I will be making a few for my daughter and maybe even myself if I dare to jump on the trend wagon. Sorry I couldn't find a good picture of some to show.

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I could be wrong, but I do believe she's referring to the Madonna-esque fingerless gloves of the 80's.


I'm shamed to admit that I, too, jumped on THAT particular bandwagon waaaaaaaaaaay back when. :blush:lol

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I've been wearing those things for years! either the 'glove' with a thumb hole and then the fingers stick out all together from another hole, or the ones that are actual gloves with no fingers! I love them.


I've never been one to care what's 'in' or not... as a court reporter I need to be able to move my fingers around quickly, but sometimes courtrooms are freezing... I love the look, too!


Glad they're 'in' - I'll keep wearing 'em - but when they go 'out' you know where to find 'em!:lol

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I found an old pattern for a pair of fishnet fingerless gloves for a bride....these of course were in white with small flowers and pearly beads sewn on, but I guess you can do away with the flowers and beads and make them some funky color!

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Our family has a picture of one of our great-great-great-great-great grandmothers and she is wearing fingerless gloves. Civil War era photograph.


So I'm with Paulette.. they've never really gone out of style. :)

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Here's mine. These are made out of tatting thread. I love wearing these when we hit the antique malls in the winter. Keeps me warm but allows me a sure grip when picking up glassware


I just love the fingerless gloves.


Those are GORGEOUS!!!!!


pattern info, please?:yes

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Those are GORGEOUS!!!!!


pattern info, please?:yes

I designed those several years ago, before I started writting out my patterns. I keep meaning to dig out my notes and get them written up but haven't gotten the time yet.
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Kathy those gloves are so pretty. Fingerless gloves are now called Glovelets because they only cover the from the base of the fingers to the top of the wrist. I too had a pair of lace gloves like Madonna back in the day. I think that a pair made from thread would be fun to make if I can find a pattern. This website has pictures of the popular Glovelet as well as some very unsual gloves.


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Oh Kathy those are STUNNING! Madonna never had anything that beautiful! If they are becoming all that popular....this just might be the time to dig out those notes!!!!:yes :yes :yes It looks like you did very fine filet crochet there! Fine as in delicate, and fine as in fantastic!

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I seen a very cute pattern for fingerless gloves in the Stitch n Bitch Crochet book. I was thinking about making them. Check it out.

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I seen a very cute pattern for fingerless gloves in the Stitch n Bitch Crochet book. I was thinking about making them. Check it out.


Let me know how that works out for you... I started that pattern and it is now a UFO... I am STUCK! I got stuck early on but just kept doing it over and over until I finally figured out that part, but now I'm at an area where it appears I have both upper and lower thumbs... I'm thinking I did something wrong...

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I found this pattern in an old needlecraft magazine...Stitch by Stitch, Volume 1-issue 10....published in 1982.....I am sorry that I do not have a scanner, so I took a photo of the page, I realize it would be very difficult for anyone to actually find this issue!...It is difficult to read but you can get a bit of an idea as to what to do....it says to gather all the stiches in a row on one thread just below the top joint on every finger, cut off the tips and pick back until you get to the gathered row, turn the gloves inside out and hem each finger about 1 cm, remove the gathering thread...and decorate with worsted weight needlepoint yarn useing simple needlepoint stitches... running stitch, cross stitch, French knots etc.Looks pretty easy, though I have not done it yet....difficult to get knitted gloves at the moment, but I guess our Aussie friends can get right to it!!!:rofl Here is the photo link the picture is large so that maybe you can make out a bit of the words....


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This is the one that I always use. I just modified it a bit to make them bigger, depending on whom I'm making them for. I've made them in WW, and I'm told they look lovely in thread too.

I've made prolly 5 or 6 pairs using this pattern, and i've not had a disatisfied customer yet.



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I could be wrong, but I do believe she's referring to the Madonna-esque fingerless gloves of the 80's.


I'm shamed to admit that I, too, jumped on THAT particular bandwagon waaaaaaaaaaay back when. :blush:lol


Ha! I never wore those. :devil However, :blush I did own a pair of ZZ Top-esque leather and mesh fingerless gloves; I wore them with black fingernail polish and my Duran Duran concert T and man, was I stylin'! :lol


All of you teens out there: you are going to be so embarassed in another 10 years or so. :yes

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Ha! I never wore those. :devil However, :blush I did own a pair of ZZ Top-esque leather and mesh fingerless gloves; I wore them with black fingernail polish and my Duran Duran concert T and man, was I stylin'! :lol


All of you teens out there: you are going to be so embarassed in another 10 years or so. :yes


Dare I ask how big your hair was? :lol


You don't even WANT to know how big MINE was!!!!! :rofl

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AQUA NET! I'd hold that hairspray button down for a good 3 minutes making sure my hair wouldn't fall!:lol My dad tried to repaint the bathroom in the late '80s and the paint wouldn't stick to the wall where all my hairspray had landed behind me. :D


Anyway, back to the topic, Mermaiden took these pictures of the fingerless gloves I made her for the Accessories Swap.


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I call these wrist warmers. ;) They're the best for wearing in the office, especially in winter when the heat doesn't make it back to my office. :wbrr They keep my fingers warm enough where I can still type and use the mouse. :wgrin Here's a picture of the pair I made.


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