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Granny Square Shawl-- TOO "Granny???"

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If you'll notice in my sig, I've got under "UFO" a blanket that I started making for my sister that I've decided to frog and re-do into a pillowghan. I just had the thought of possibly making my sister a shawl to go with it, in the same colors (they're her favorite colors, so I know THAT won't be a problem). That's purple, blue, and white. I'm using "baby shades" - not really pastel, but not headache-inducing shades, either. She's just moved from Fort Bragg back "home" to Illinois, and it gets DARNED cold in the winter, so a shawl would probably be a good thing to have.


I just did my first granny square (better late than never, right?;) ), and I realized that I could make a shawl fairly quickly and easily with it, but of course I'd need to do half-grannies for the top.


My question is... do you think a granny square shawl would be too "old-fashioned?" I've never been one to keep up on "the trend," because "the trend" never really "fit" me anyway, if that makes any sense. But my sister is only 26, and I wouldn't want to make her something that she'd be embarrassed to wear.


And with me being so "out of the loop," I figured I'd get some other opinions before I started making the thing, only to find out that she'd LOOK like a granny wearing a granny square shawl!!! :lol



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Hey...granny squares aren't just for grannies anymore! :D


The colors you're describing sound really pretty. They'll look much more subdued on a shawl than, say, the colors on the "Roseanne" show granny-ghan (a mix of brights and pastels against black).


So, my vote is that you go ahead and make the shawl. She can always just keep it for home use if she doesn't feel comfortable wearing it in public. Then again, she might just love wearing it out and about and ask you to make a granny purse to go with it ;)

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You know, I've kinda wondered the same thing. A half granny square shawl would be soooooo easy and quick to do, but would it look "grannyish?"


I think part of the answer would depend on what kind of yarn you used, and what kind of clothes the person wears. Regular WW might look more like something you'd wear around the house, while something with more color and/or texture might be more tempting to wear outside the house.

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I think part of the answer would depend on what kind of yarn you used, and what kind of clothes the person wears.


That's part of the problem!!! :lol


She's my sister, but I haven't actually seen her for almost 6 years. Between her living at Ft. Bragg and not being able to get home for visits, and my moving alllllllllllll the way over here, we just haven't been able to get together since 2001.


Although I do have to say that the last time I DID see her, all she wore was jeans and t-shirts, mostly. Sweatshirts when it's cold.


Well heck... now that I think about it, if I make this for her, it might be one of the more DRESSY items in her wardrobe!!! :lol

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If you are hesitant about a shawl, how about a granny square poncho?

Living in Illinois as well(Chicago area), I would think that a poncho would

be great for all occassions. LOL, she probably could have used one last

weekend, when the weather here was about 58º :wbrr


Whatever you choose, I am sure that she will love it as it is coming from

you, her sister! :hug

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Personally I think unless you know for sure she'd like it, I'd try one of the other shawl patterns. Grannies tend to put some people off no matter what color they are. There are so many easy and pretty shawls out there, it shouldn't be that hard to make one.

Just my two cents. :)

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I agree with Empress Busy Bee. There are lots of super easy shawl patterns & probably one done in stripes of her fav. colors wouldn't look so granny-ish.

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I think a Granny shawl would be very "retro" and a cool tribute to an earlier time. Thinking "out of the box" will get you compliments, and maybe a "Gee, I would love to know how to make that" comment or two. I do think neon colors in grannies are kind of loud, but there are so many beautiful, soft colors and different yarns out there. Why not crochet a few and connect them and see if you like the way it looks and then decide?

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That's exactly my point. Not everyone likes 'retro' or think it's retro.

I love thinking outside of the box but I'm not too sure grannies qualify for that. :lol

But in the end, it's all subjective. ;)


Here's the best place to find shawl patterns for free (thanks Rachel). I'm sure you can find something beautiful to do. :)



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Maybe you could ask her? Myself, I am 27, and I am not one to wear shawls. I love the "idea" of shawls, but I am a t-shirt and jeans or athletic pants type of person and shawls just don't look right with that kind of wardrobe.


I'm making a couple shawls right now, and one for myself for around the house, but it is a butterfly-winged shawl--very pretty. I personally don't care for granny shawls.


Maybe so you don't waste your time and yarn, you can ask her what she would like so she gets a gift she wants and likes and you don't have to feel uncertain and worry that she won't like it.



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Maybe you could ask her?


Well, see, if I did THAT, it would ruin the whole SURPRISE idea!!!


She's only ASKED for a blanket... but since it's taken me SOOOOOOOOOO long to get it finished, I wanted to make a few other things for her as well, kind of as an apology for it taking so long and... well... just 'cuz I love her!:P


I appreciate everybody's opinions, though... and I don't plan on getting everything done right now (I'm slowly working on it, but I'm not going to send it off until around her birthday, in November), but it's definitely giving me something to think about.


The thing is, I was really thinking of making this for her to wear around the house, but I wanted it to be something she'd ENJOY wearing. Why bother putting that much time and energy into it and have her HATE it. KWIM? I don't think she'd wear it outside of the house simply because it's not her style. But knowing how cold it gets back "home" in the winter, I wanted her to have something to keep her warm when she's in the house with my neice and nephew.

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grannies also don't have to look like the old fashion ones of yester year, check out some of the awesome grannie one can make, personally i would make her the shawl, if it does not bother you to have her just wear it around the house then why not go for it. me personally i love anything anyone makes for me. don't forget to take pics. maybe tell your sis in a little note that you wanted her to wrap her self up with your love. i did that with my lil sis when she was going through a bad time and it made her feel so special she said. good luck hon:manyheart :manyheart :manyheart :manyheart

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Ya know, if a granny triangle shawl might be too "granny-ish," maybe you could make her a granny stole? Use the same granny cluster stitch but make it in a rectangle/stole instead. Whatayathink? :think

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have you looked at this pattern? http://www.bernat.com/pattern.php?PID=1465 to me it's like a giant granny with the center cut out, and it's warm and super easy


I made a poncho similar, actually it was the Martha Stewart one for my MIL and my 15 year old niece wanted to borrow it from her. So I made one and sent it to her. She seemed to think it was the best thing on the planet so I doubt a granny square would be a problem.


Besides, this is your sister. I know you want it to be something special and something she will use but because it came from you she will most likely use it whatever you make. My sisters are like that!

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I love shawls: make and wear them. Love ponchos: make and wear lots of them. And I love the 'reto, boho " look, remember when it wasn't sooo retro. Didn't wear many poncho's back "in the day" because most of them were made of granny squares: the traditional, multi-colored type that looked like they were made-from left over yarn even it they weren't .I would not wear a shawl, poncho, stole, sweater. hat, cape, mittens..anything made from that type of granny square I just don't like how they look. I know that the colors can be planned and not left overs, but I just don't like the look. I won't even make them for people. To me, they always look entirely too old fashioned, they looked that way to me in the 60/70's and they still look that way to me. Now, I think a poncho, other tha one made of granny squares, would be a very nice "surprise" gift. They look great and are relatively quick to make.

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