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Help me decide please :)

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Okay, on June 23rd, my family and I are leaving for Fort Myers Florida.. from here it's a 16-18 hour drive so I'm going to have LOTS of time on my hands. So, help me decide which animals to design while I'm on my way there and on the way back (July 1st and 2nd)


Here's a list of animals I plan to make, I'll take the top 5 animals that are voted for and attempt to make them while I'm gone :)


- On The Farm -

Cow, Pig, Horse, Cat, Dog, Donkey, Lamb, and Goat


- Safari -

Elephant, Lion, Monkey, and Zebra


- In The Woods -

Rabbit, Squirel, Skunk, Deer, Turtle, Owl, Fox, Mouse, Racoon, Beaver


- Australian Outback -

Kuala, Kangaroo, Platypus


- Antartica -

Polar Bear, Rabbit, Penguin, Seal, Artic Fox, Wolf


:D Thanks you guys!

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my picks are

  1. pig
  2. horse
  3. goat
  4. zebra
  5. skunk
  6. deer (really would love to see how you do the antlers:think )
  7. turtle
  8. owl
  9. platypus (sounds interesting :blush )
  10. polar bear
  11. artic fox
  12. wolf

sorry if that's a lot but you came up with some really interesting animals. :hook :hook :hook

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:eek OOOOHHH Wait,I wanna vote:D


Deer,,Me too,on the horns!


Racoon,,my favorite;)




Have a good trip,drive safe and think of us!!


Yeah,right:laughroll:heehee :haha

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Polar Bear, Penguin, Artic Fox, and Wolf with 3 votes each


(Antartica) Rabbit, Seal, Zebra, Skunk, and Deer with 2 votes each


and Pig, Horse, Goat, Rabbit, Turtle, Owl, Fox, Racoon, Kangaroo, and Platypus with 1 vote each


looking for animals with 5 votes total and that'll be the ones I do :)

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alrighty!!! so, here's the animals that I'm going to be making while I'm gone... or attempt to make :)


Polar Bear


Arctic Fox




if I have time, Seal and Antartica Rabbit


Thank you everyone! That made it much easier :yes:manyheart

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well, as usual, I'm late to the party >G< but I'll put my :2c in anyway.


I'd :manyheart to see a squirrel. My daughter wants one for her dorm room.

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Just to let ya know, keep telling me what you want and that's the order I'll do them in :)


5 Votes - Polar Bear, Penguin, Arctic Fox, and Wolf

4 Votes - Zebra, Platypus, and Seal

3 Votes - Squirel, Skunk, Kangaroo, and Arctic Rabbit

2 Votes - Elephant, Deer, and Fox

1 Vote - Cow, Pig, Horse, Donkey, Goat, Rabbit, Turtle, Owl, and Racoon

0 Votes - Cat, Dog, Lamb, Lion, Monkey, Mouse, Beaver, and Kuola


Keep Voting!

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Are we re-voting as to the order now??? If that's the case then I say, Kangaroo, penguin and zebra.

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