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I taught some students to crochet...

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I just thought you would all enjoy this story... I'm a chorus teacher, and as of about a week ago, all my major stuff was done and a lot of my seniors were pretty well done with everything so they spent the vast majority of their school days hanging out in my room. They've known that I crochet for a long time (and love the stuff that I wear that I've made), and one of them asked me to teach them. So I taught that student (who happens to be a senior that I am VERY proud of - my first senior to go to college to be a chorus teacher! Absolutely fantastic singer - she and another girl did the Flower Duet from Lakme in our chorus concert this year and it was breathtaking... but I digress...) and she picked it up really quickly. A couple of other girls saw us crocheting and wanted to learn too, so I had a little crochet club going on in there for a while. It was a really fun way to spend the last few days that I had with my seniors - I've been their teacher for three years (the longest I've taught anyone so far!) and I've become very attached to them - and vice versa, I daresay.


It was a lot of fun and was really cute.


As a side note, I think you will all enjoy hearing that every time another student would wander into my room (I love being an elective teacher, kids love being in my room and I love that) and said "What are you knitting?" the students that I was teaching would all reply in unison "We're CROCHETING!" It was hilarious.


We're having finals week this week, and tomorrow I have no tests to proctor so a couple of the girls are coming in to crochet.


I am going to miss them!

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Yeah, for you!

Isn't teaching fun? I love my second graders as much as you love your seniors. Lucky for me I get to keep seeing them around the building for a few more years.

Those seniors will never forget you and some day, when someone asks them who taught them how to crochet, they'll answer, "Our chorus teacher our senior year!"

Are you off for the summer?

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Thanks for that site! I'll register!


I gave each of them one of my extra hooks, too, and they clutched them like they were the best present they were ever given and one of them said "this will always be my favorite hook!" It was so sweet. We had fun crocheting today - we watched TV and ate strawberries and had a good time. It killed me that they wanted to come into school on one of their first days off (when they're done FOR GOOD!) to spend time with me. Meant more to me than anything they could have said!


One of them just figured out how to double crochet in an even pattern... her first attempt was very irregular and made us all (including her) giggle a lot. By the end of today, she had a nice, neat rectangle. The other girl was making a scarf with a v-stitch pattern and was VERY proud of herself! (me too!)


I sure love those girls! You are definitely right, Artemis, I LOVE teaching. I LOVE my kids. So far all of the graduated seniors who were the closest to me have kept in touch - of course, I've only been teaching a few years, but I really hope they always do.

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Great story, thanks for sharing it. :) I have teachers I still remember -- I actually ran into one a couple of months ago and she still remembered me. Not bad, considering I've been out of school for 28 years now. :eek

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Your story warms my heart. You have gone above and beyond for your students. I'll bet they will miss you like crazy. And just think, you have taught them 2 really wonderful creative talents! You should be so proud. I wish you had been my teacher when I was in school! Just think, they get to sing AND crochet with you!!


Gosh, I sure do miss choir.....

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It certainly does make the job fulfilling when you love your students and they love you!


I got an email from one of the girls asking to come in again tomorrow. Sounds like she's finally having luck crocheting a rectangle (and it's still rectangular!) :)


Thanks everybody!

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