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Dumb, Dumb, Dumb, but oh so typical

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So, I go down today to check my mail. And there's a slip from the post office saying that I had a delivery confirmation package, but I wasn't home and I need to go to the post office to get it. (I was home, but whatever) No biggie, the post office is a 5-minute walk from my apt. Turns out, that's not the right post office and I need to go to a different one, not so close, and I don't have a car. I was expecting some art from Australia and I figured that's what it was, and I was very anxious to get it. I run into the handyman in my building and he said I could borrow his car. How nice is that? So, I drive to the post office, hand them the slip, and I'm expecting this huge box. Well, guess what? IT WAS YARN!!! From Knitpicks. Why they sent it delivery confirmation is beyond me. I think that yarn has started to rule my life way too much.

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Does Knitpicks always do this??? I have been wanting to purchase from them. Not like this would stop me...but I will keep better tabs on my mailcarrier if I do. ;)

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Hmmm, I have the opposite problem-- things get crumpled into my regular-rural-size mailbox. Regardless; fragile, confirmation, signature, things get shoved in the box or left on the doorstep to get blown around in hurricanes and such.:eek

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Lavelle, I have ordered from Knitpicks so many times, and this has never happened before, but maybe my doorman was on duty and he just signed for it. I thnk next time I order from them, in the notes section I will write don't request delivery confirmation. And just so you know, knitpicks is great.

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You know the mailman just doesn't feel like getting out of his truck when he puts the 'no one home' notice in your box while you're standing on the porch in full view of your box, and he has the nerve to wave at you as he leaves ...

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Lavelle, I have ordered from Knitpicks so many times, and this has never happened before, but maybe my doorman was on duty and he just signed for it. I thnk next time I order from them, in the notes section I will write don't request delivery confirmation. And just so you know, knitpicks is great.


Thanks. Maybe I will do that same...but our mailcarriers are great (for the most part) They always deliver the smaller packages. Its the bigger packages that don't get delivered. They can sit at the post office for two months sometimes. Our mail carriers deliver everything on foot...so they pretty much walk the whole route. I do feel sorry for them though cause it is in the 90's here most of the summer and the humidity is not something you want to mess with. I see them, in uniforms, sweating up a storm. Poor things.

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Our UPS guy does this, too... drives me NUTS!


I live in a fairly large apartment complex, and we actually have a "concierge service," which is actually just a nice little fussy old man who sits in an office listening to opera and classical music, waiting for people to come pick up packages... I can picture him in a leather chair in a big library, reading Shakespeare for "light reading" while his wife makes tea...


But I digress.


Without fail, UPS will come when I AM home, and STILL leave a note to walk over to the concierge to pick up my package. I've been told that they do it because "some people work nights, and don't want to be bothered during the day." Whatever. If I'm expecting a package, I WANT it!!! If I wanted to make an extra effort to go get it myself instead of having it delivered to my door, I would have gone to a STORE! LOL!


It's to the point that when I order something, I ask the company to put a note on it somehow asking the deliverer to PLEASE ring the bell, and sometimes I even leave a SIGN on the front door of my building. Yeesh.

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Watch out if you order something valued over $200. I work in a mail order business and our carriers (FedEx and UPS in particular) want any 'high value' order signed for. One reason I have my packages sent to work most of the time; not that I get expensive stuff, cause I can't afford that; but just in case signature is required I know it will come the one day noone is home. I also have trouble with being rural. A package was once left on the trash cans! And another time we had to CALL to find out where the package the website showed delivered actually WAS. They left it inside a truck in our yard...it wasn't even our truck! but luckily it did belong to a houseguest. And this was left with NO note on the door either.

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When I was living in the apartments near school several years back, Fedex left a note saying they left my package with neighbors. There are 15 other apartments, and the note doesn't say which neighbors. I called fedex to find out where, went to their door and they said they didn't have it. I ended up having to call the police, letting fedex verify which apartment, and the police were able to get my package instantly - and it was partly opened (enough to see the contents).


I don't have much trouble with UPS. If my car's here, he knocks and leaves the package at the door. He knocks loud if he can't hear the tv or stereo (because he knows I'm asleep and hard to wake up). No car, no tv or stereo, no package because he knowsw I'm not home - I think I order too many things that ship UPS ... LOL

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