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Vintage Crochet items made by my family

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When I was home this past weekend, I photographed several vintage crochet items.


The link is here:



(some pictures are out of order, but they're all there)


The items are:

1) A crocheted dress made for my mother by her great aunt around 1944 or so. My mom framed it about 15 years ago and has had it hanging in our living room ever since. I'd love to figure out this pattern.


2) A crocheted sweater made for my mother by her great aunt around 1944. This one's been in the cedar chest and my mom used to dress her dolls in it. The bottom has been unraveled and I had to stop that (just pulled the thread through to stop it where it was and weaved in ends). :(


3) Crocheted edging on a tablecloth (and several smaller items) made by my great aunt on my father's side.


4) A heart pincushion made by my paternal grandmother for me sometime during the early 80's. I have no memory of receiving this, meaning I must have been very young and not appreciated it. But my mom kept it in the attic and now I'm thrilled to have it. :)


5) Vintage crochet hooks possibly belonging to my great grandmother (pre-1940's since she was blind by that time). If anyone has any information about them based on the trademarks or anything, I'd love to hear it! The trademark says, "KAY BE..." (and it's rubbed off).


I'm so glad I got to fix my mom's little sweater, but it kind of made me sweat!

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How very interesting! I love heirlooms like that. I have a large pineapple doily that my great aunt made. I snagged it when the family was throwing out a bunch of her things after she died.

I went to an estate sale once that had many doilys and even a baby bonnet that looked from about 1920 or so. Makes you wonder who would get rid of something like that- obviously someone who doesnt see the value in a handmade item. Especially one made my the women before us.

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Those are beautiful!!! It makes me want to take my kids' baby blankets away from them and have them professionally preserved! :lol

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Thank you for sharing those photos with us. Your Mom has preserved the dress in a wonderful way. It is truly an heirloom. The sweater is so lovely too. It would look great on an antique doll. I've never seen such an unusual pincushion. You definitely don't want to poke it full of holes! And the tablecloth is beautiful too and looks like it can be used for years to come. How nice to have these things from the women in your family.

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Lucky you!!!!!! I restore and repair vintage/antique clothing and quilts and to find these items in such good repair makes me want to jump up and down. Ive seen the sweater numerous times so I imagine it was a printed pattern and have even seen the top of the dress....but the swirl it the skirt of the dress is new to me. I am SO envious. Cherish them always.

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That is so awesome! I wish I had things like that handed down to me. My one grandmother crocheted, I think, but not much. A few of my aunts crochet, though. What wonderful heirlooms. :manyheart



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